Sunday, October 27, 2013


So as the title suggests... the entire post today is about knitting! This is my virgin knitting experience.. it was fun but super time consuming and tiring, my shoulders get really stiff at the end of every night for being in the knitting position for more than 12hours a day so I wake up with shoulder and fingers ache every morning oh my. I really don't know how old people take it! But I think it's really fun to do !! ( It is not cheap though. I'd rather buy a scarf with that money, really. ) I decided to knit J a scarf because he's going to New Zealand at the end of the month and he has been wanting to get some winter clothes but no time to shop. So I thought it would be quite sweet to make him a scarf right haha.

So.. I went to get wool and other knitting materials at Spotlight at Plaza Sing before I went to school.. 
J called me and asked me where I was so I had to lie because I didn't want him to know I was going to make him something! I told him I was at home and to my horror ( lol ) he was actually below my house omg.... he got really upset at me when he found out I was lying. :( 
And I felt really awful because i was doing this for him and had to have him stay mad at me.
In the end I had to tell him I bought him something for him ... sian. 

So that was erm.. Wednesday I think? And I started my part time job as a full time knitting machine.
I was knitting like a machine, no seriously. As I said this is my first time knitting so I was making a lot of mistakes, and I didn't know how to undo my mistakes or salvage the knit.. so I had to keep redoing :( 

All the wasted pieces :( 

After so many failed attempts ( I learnt to knit from watching youtube videos)  I really felt like I couldn't do it already..  I just wanted to cry.
My dilemma on giving up or to continue :

1. I bought 5 yarns of wool 
2. I already told him I have something for him..
3. what was I going to do with the wool if I just stopped doing it and is he going to think that I was lying to him again
4.  I already spent my entire day going to get the materials and knitting even when I am out with my friends
5. I just felt like it was a total waste of time if I give up now
6.  I don't want to start on another knit only to have to throw it away again.

It was really super demoralizing! Every time I have to throw away a piece of knit which I spent hours on... I'm just like .. it's ok.. next one will get better...

So I started working on the next one throught the night. 
By this time I was already quite happy I'm getting it UNTIL MY NEEDLE SLIPPED OFF AND THE KNIT STARTED TO UNRAVEL OMG.....

totally wanted to cry because i spent like 3 hours on this small piece...
and there was nothing I could do to fix it because the previous rows of stitches were all affected. Urgh. I really wanted to break the needles already. I was damn sad I went to sleep it off.

Day 2: So instead of crying over spilt milk, or waste time whining about it, I re did the entire thing... lol Ikr. Damn persistent and determined lol. #whereisthisdriveinstudying This was Thursday.. I remember because I took a bus down to meet J for dinner and movie at Katong ... And I was actually happy to take a bus down because that means I have an hour to knit before I meet him lol. I was knitting like mad on the bus. I told you I was a full time knitting machine right.. I was knitting as I walk, as I wait, as long as I have both hands free I would start knitting. Very proud of this because I started this around 2pm and by 8pm I already had quite a "big" piece.. my progress was definitely picking up.. It took me about 3 mins to make a row of stitch.. can you imagine...

After dinner and movie, the moment I parted with him, I took out the scarf and continued knitting away.. I was sleeping at 5am every night to knit. By the first night I was so proud of this.. this was the furthest I got and I was very scared I'll make a mistake again and have to  throw this away

Day 3: When I woke up I didn't even brush teeth or drink water. I picked up the knitting needles and started knitting away again omg. By around 3pm it was quite long already! 

At 10pm... Yah I just sat at the sofa at the same spot to do this the entire day.... I couldn't even feel my butt and fingers anymore..

Swear my fingers felt super distorted and i was getting slight abrasions on my fingers so sad.  

Day 4: Almost done but not quite there yet.


Nice? Can pass?

I was super excited already I couldn't wait to pass it to him..  I don't why i rushed to complete it when i only passed it to him like 2 weeks later after I was done with it.

I just spent another 3 hours knitting this stupid heart. It's really the most time consuming shit ever.

Went to Tiong Bahru to print a picture and the woman told me very arrogantly that for iphone it's $3 for 3 pieces, even if you have only one picture it is $3. $3 for one piece of course I don't want la siao. I asked her if I can connect my phone to her comp but she was so stuck up.. omg. I felt like changing $3 into all 5cents and throwing it in her face. 
Ok rant over.
This is a lovely picture of us hehe. 

Made him a little card

Really hope he likes it since it is just a gift out of the blue. It is not like it's his birthday then I give him this kind of things that he'll be disappointed with right. It is just something random so it should be a happy thing right. Do you know the feeling of opening a present and be disappointed by it but you have to act like you really like it. Omg. 
Hate that feeling. 

You see I don't usually blog about the things I do for him to claim credit.. but just let me do it now because I really think I am DAMN AWESOME .


Anonymous said...

OMG damn nice. Lol. I feel your pain!!!!! I tried knitting before and I failed so many times it's damn bekcek!!!!!!! Btw wht pattern is this? Is it just normal knit? Or is it knit and purl lol

Weizhen Teh said...

REALLY!??!? I was so scared he would tell me it is nice because he can't say otherwise. Haha. Yah it is a pain omg really can bring out the violent tendencies in me. Haha. Yes this is just normal knit. I am going to try knit and purl soon!! It looks so confusing though