Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Hong Kong Day 2 !!

My ootd for day 2. Lol. If my mom saw what I wore she would chide me for exposing my naval. She says I'll get stomachache if I expose my naval lol. 

Cabbed to Mongkok because we didn't want to change train. 
Apparently you can just take one cab all the way from hong kong island to kowloon side but that mario say we have to change cab zz hahah

Roamed around myself while waiting for Mr tan to wash his hair.
Found yu dan!! and got some siew mai which to my horror was glutinous rice inside. YUCKS!

Bought a very disgusting herbal tea for Mr tan because his cough was getting out of hand. He forced me to drink it even though I don't even have cough just so that we can share the grossness zzz. 
If you're having cough or cold and you come across those herbal shop you should get one of those 感冒茶 ( 47hkd about 8sgd omg quite ex) but it's super (gross but) effective, he stopped coughing for the remaining days. 

Then because he scared i'll go missing again he forced me to sit in the salon with him and this is my very grumpy face

After that we went to eat at yi dian xin!! This is a Tim Ho Wan equivalent place or some say it's even better!! I believe Tim Ho Wan's queue is insane and plus you have to chop chop eat and go.
Heard the service sucks.
We chose here and didn't have to wait too long before we got our seats! And wait also nevermind because we can camwhore lol. The service was also very good. The very kind lady even told us not to order some food because they are not fantastic and told us 4 bowls of porridge would be too much. Told us to order 2 to try or just don't order at all.
she either hates the place or she likes us haha. 

We were texting the rest in the group chat to meet here. And they were like. " where exactly" so I took this and sent it to them hahahah. No shame.

Cam whore time! 
See Josh wearing the scarf I knitted for him. :)
Nice hor!! #cannotletmyeffortgotowaste #showoff #everytimeIcan

so handsome he looks like a model~~ 

FOOOD! They said the siew mai was very good. But it was normal for me~~

I like the raddish cake! It's so fine and soft... Yum!! char siew bread was also very good. I thought it was the kind of bread you get from bakery shops.. but it was a baked man tou. YUM!!!!!

Fried beancurd skin . i love.


Parted ways after lunch, Josh and I went to walk on our own. Gave me his jacket because I was fer-reeezing. 

Went to the platinum of Hong kong aka New Town Mall at Argyle Street. 
Nothing much to buy because it was all winter wear.
Tried the packet noodle every one says it's super good.
Erm. Interesting texture and taste but not to our liking ley.

I was very tired already.. 

Walked around to get some street food, and jumped on the first ji dan zai I saw. 
SUCKS!!!!!! But it makes a nice photo. 

We went back to rest after that because we were going to club that night!
We went to this club called Levels..The alcohol there is gui dao......
So expensive please! A bottle of 1.75l costs $930 ???
that's more than a price of 3litre in singapore clubs man. 

And the club is super act atas. Every bouncer there wear suit one sia. 
Give chop got 4 bouncers never mind.
In front of the lift got 4 bouncers to check for ur chop never mind. 
Go in lift, one bouncer press lift for you never mind. 
Go toilet, one bouncer to man the toilet queue never mind.
Step into the toilet already, one bouncer open the cubicle door for you.
SIMI SAI. Need or not. 
I was overwhelmed lol. 

Xueting joined us on the second day! She came just to club lol. #YOLO
She's also joining Eugene they all just to club in Taiwan next month.
She's the most Yolo person I know seriously.
We went into a chanel shop and she bought a bag just like that. #YOLO
I'm going to call her Yolo from now on. 

Yolo and Mario

Me and Birthday boy. 34 years old already!!!

Hanwei and Emelia also arrived at Hong Kong that day. And joined us to club wheee.

Me and my babyboy. I love this picture we so cute. I love club lightings. My face always looks very small in club pictures haha.


This joshua drunk already like to carry people lol. Eugene looks so thrilled lol.

This mario's teeh is a bottle opener. Damn scary. It takes her 0.5sec to open a cap. I should video it next time. 

We wiped out the entire club's supply of beer

Too high already

 We were all damn drunk. Mario left and went back to the hotel at 2am? She says she auto pilot home before Antonio comes out. Antonio is this person in her that does crazy things like taking off her pants and kissing people when she is drunk. She says it's not her. It's Antonio. LOL. Her theory. 

Han wei and Emelia left shortly after. And Mio and YOLO went back.
Josh wanted to finish the belvedere so eugene alan and I stayed behind.
I went home without shoes and the next morning they found one side of my shoes in Eugene's room.
Eugene doesn't even remember bringing my shoes back HAHA.
And Alan disappeared and went to some other club on his own. 

Josh likes to ask people to drink with him.. so he offered the bartender a cup since we had quite a bit to clear anyway. The bartender damn step I tell you. He thinks he is super up. 
I just stood there and watch J ask him to drink but he keeps acting like he's bigger than us and just ignore ley wahlao???
my 正义感 damn strong, I cannot stand watching people or my friends get treated like shit what's more my boyfriend right. 
Number 1. We are the customers, you work in a club, we ask you to drink, you drink. You don't want to drink, at least just say you working you don't want to drink. We ok one. But he just ignore???
Never give face at all some more we spent so much at the club.
Number 2. If this was butter and he dare do this to Josh he would have been fired.

I don't know why instead of asking Josh to forget it and let's go off, I took the cup from his hand and splashed it at the guy omg. He's so rude but I am sooooo unbelievably ten times rude-der. 
I ran away right after. Haha. Act one gangster but actually I very scared lol. 

Went back to hotel feeling soooo cold josh heated me up with the hair dryer till I fell asleep. Love.
That was day 2 for us! 


Adeline Ng said...

You v skinny + pretty leh. Hahahaha and your bag v nice also hehe

Weizhen Teh said...

hahah why u suddenly say that adengbx ! I am not la. Eevery time u leave a comment i feel so happy bcos you're still reading about my life even though we weren't very close in secondary school!! <3