Monday, March 31, 2014

Pasar Bella and Friends go to Town

J and I went to a mini date with Angelynn and Andy! 
I love Pasar Bella, so when he told me he was going to bring me to this Pasar Bella event I was thrilled! For those of you who have always wanted to go to Pasar Bella but were lazy to travel to the Grand Stand, you should have gone for this event! Even though it doesn't exactly have the Pasar Bella or farmers' market feel, it was a nice experience nonetheless. :) But I think the event was only up till 30 March D: Just go to the grand stand one la, it is air conditioned, and the queues aren't as crazy too. And there are also more varieties of food there! 

J and I split up to look for tables and seats and also to look around on our own.
Walked passed a stall that sells grilled sotong, and something at the back of my mind reminded me of J. i thought he would like it so I gave up searching for a table and joined the queue to order this for him. The waiting time was 10 mins, so after placing my order I went off to queue for my own food.
LOL. You know how I always say we think alike right? We really do. When I went to collect the sotong, and surprised him with it, he was like " HAHA? I just ordered one!"
This is probably the only part that suck about being telepathic.

So nicely charred. 

It wasn't difficult to guess what he went back to change his order to.... 2 cups of beer... -.- My boy really loves his alcohol.

The queue for this was SOOO long but I did it anyway since the chance presented itself to me. 
I doubt I'll ever drag anyone down to the grandstand just to have this. 

After placing my order, I only waited 1 minute for the burger wheeee.... The patty looks so promising already. 

There there, our 6 beers, sotong and burger. 
I ordered the omakase burger. To me, the safest bet is always to order food that are named after the place. Makes sense right? The company probably wouldn't ruin their name either. The burger patty was really exploding with juice even though i requested for it to be well done. Soooo yummy! Sandwiched between two nicely buttered buns, with cheese, mustard and mayo, lettuce and tomato. Every bite was a joy to eat !!! ^^

The legendary roasted pork

The 3 of them were just saying how nice it was and i'm just like lalala i hate pork

Hahahahaha. but everytime we go to pasar bella, this is always sold out. And Both angelynn and andy ordered the same thing some more!!  It must be really good? 

I was like.. Is it really so..... should I try...  * faith wavering* 

And so.. I plucked the courage and chose the smallest piece plus the crispy part looks so tempting.

This. little. shit. 

IS DELICIOUS!! I AM SOLD! Hahahaha. Ok I am a convert now. 

We walked over to Marina square to catch Captain America! The show was ok t me only. Typical Good guy fights bad guy. Nothing mind blowing or particularly touching too.. Ok lor. I give it 3 popcorns out of 5. 

Caught a little bit of the light show, which i was trying to capture...

and no prizes for guessing who stepped into the picture to steal the show hahahhhahaa. So cute.

No prizes again for guessing who stepped into the picture this time HAHAHAHHA KIDDING.
I was the one who asked him to stand there to let me take a picture one la

Went to walk around in town the next day to get a dress. Tried on a gown for fun which i sent to josh and told him " The purpose of sending this picture to u is to show u that i have an hour glass figure" Hahaha. 
The cut of this dress was really quite flattering. But I also suspect I would walk like a mummy in one. 

Bought this dress in the end which I super regret because it was quite big for me. 

Headed out for Mio's 21st at Dream! 

Needless to say, I was high within the first hour lol. I don't really have memory of what happened after we left Dream. 

Caught divergent with J. I like that show. I think the concept is interesting and mind boggling haha. Why would anyone want a society like that? I will definitely not want to live in a world that is faction before blood. And I believe everyone of us is divergent anyway? Go catch it if you don't know what I'm talking about!!!

Oh before that we had chicken rice at fep and settled for another quick dinner at Taka basement. 
Had pork cutlet curry rice which was really... nothing worth mentioning about. I should also brush up on my photo taking skills. The picture is really so half fuck i really couldnt't be bothered. 

It was quite a nice feeling walking around Taka with him though!! 

Went over to KPO after !! This is me after one glass of wine.. How do I stop myself from turning red!!!! 
I look 12 here lol. This game he has been playing on his phone has stolen him away from me. He is perpetually playing it. Omg!!! Boys! I asked him if i should strap his phone to my forehead so at least i can pretend he is looking at me when im talking to him lol.  I was kidding la. Just a bit needy for his attention lately i guess.

Wish he was less cute sometimes. How to ever stay angry at this face

we went to sauce after KPO and walked over to butter after that. 

With xueting and mario the two clubber siao haha


Went over to J's place to nua lol. We did it for 8 effective hours i am surprised how lazy the both of us really are deep down. Finally caught Frozen , caught up with Modern Family and had my favourite prata for supper. :) 

His mom made dinner.. Like I mentioed in my previous post.. Her effort really gao gao.
Super respect. When I become some one's wife next time I would also want to prepare such nice dinners for my husband everyday.

I left my laptop charger at his place yesterday. I swear I didn't do it on purpose!!! 
So I met up with him today to collect it hehehe. I really swear again I didn't do it on purpose.
We had lunch together at Putien again because i was craving for the lor mee ( Or maybe the chilli ) 

Another picture to prove how half hearted i've become in taking pictures lol. ( Which explains my nearly dead instagram ) 
This picture just screams IDGAF!! Wonder what's up with my lack of passion for everything lately man. 

We went over to Max Brenner for a milkshake after :) This was perfect for the insanely humid weather!
I love the days we would just sit down somewhere to spend more time together. 
Really happy we met today again! ( Maybe , just maybe I deliberately left the charger behind so i can meet him lol.. OK IM REALLY KIDDING. I really didnt la )

While waiting for our drink, he told me to show him how I play " 2048" this game which I also got him to download because it's quite fun and he's good at it so i wanted him to teach me.
Then.. after staring at me play for 10 seconds or so.. I realised he faded into background VERY subtly and guess what he was doing. 


Divert my attention to play my game then he own self can play his!! SNEAKY BOY!!! 
HAHAHAHA I was so annoyed at him because he was so irritating but quite cute at the same time

Spent 5 days straight with him. This is our first time spending more than 4 days together and I miss him already. :(
I hope he will never get sick of me!! 

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