Monday, April 14, 2014

26 Tapas Bar

Met up with J on Saturday for a dinner date. 
It's been a while since we last dined together properly and gone on a date! 

We went to :
Which was located at 26 Kandahar street. I am very poor with my directions, but thankfully for J , locating the place was a breeze. Google maps should do the trick too! 
When you wal down Kandahar street, look out for a black and pink looking restaurant, and tadah! You're here! The place was kind of dark, but I quite like how it added on to the "romantic" feel of the restaurant.

I made a reservation for 2 and told them to save me a nice seat lol. In the end they gave us a table that was at a corner, separated from all other seats haha. It was weird sitting out of place but yay to some private time together! 

They are currently having a promotion that runs till end April. Buy 2 tapas an get 1 free! So one tapas is effectively $6 plus only!! Original price is at $9.90 per tapas. 

We had the beef cubes with mushroom and asparagus. This was our least favourite. 
It was alright but I think it could be more flavourful. Probably wouldn't have ordered this if the scallops were available that day. 

The mushroom bites were our favourite!! Mushrooms with stuffed mozarella cheese and bacon bits.

It was super juicy!

There were 6 mushrooms, so we are supposed to get 3 each right. But I know J really likes it haha, so I ate 2 and kept my 3rd one for him. So when he saw the last mushroom on the plate ( after having eaten 3 of his) he told me " eat this up B, I kept this for you." I WAS LIKE ....

WHAT? I kept that for you!! ! Isn't that mine in the first place? Hahahahaha. 
But of course I still gave it to him!! Haha because I really like the dory fish too, which he thought was meh. So I had most of that!

This was so yummy. The meat is just so soft it melts in your mouth! They poured sambuca over this and lit it on fire haha I ordered this because i wanted to see them light it lol

We also had a wagyu pizza with blue cheese. The blue cheese taste was kind of over powering. If I had drank too much that night, my puke will be real potent. 

And can I just say that the crust of the pizza was so nice! The edges were baked till perfection! The texture was comparable to that of a biscuit- So crispy! We love it!! 

Anyway the dishes were all served very quickly! The waiting time was less than 5 mins? Which was good because the both of us were starving.

I asked him to let me take a picture of him halfway because I had to capture how cute he was that day. 
Is it even humanly possible to be this good looking?
I love him in anything light blue. 
Sorry I'm not sorry for being slightly obsessed with him

Then we had some cotton candy shots. Which was priced really affordably at $18 for 6 shots!!!
I wish they had given me the pink cotton candy though :(

Since we were around the area, we dropped by Nabins to shisha..

And then we went to Butter because my sister was there haha

And this is so epic. This couple beside me was making out hardcore non stop. The guy kept trying to put his hands into the girl's pants?! Like wtf man. Do you treat her as a whore. The whole dance floor was looking la. Can you please at least show some respect. 

But then again, the girl could have stopped it but she didn't. So since she has no dignity herself the guy didn't have to save her any I guess.

I took this with flash. They were obviously too engrossed with what they were doing that they also didn't care. 



Then he took off her bra and it dropped on the floor. Lol.
So passionate sia. I need to ask J to instill this kind of flame in our relationship lol i'm kidding. 

Another glowing headband to my collection! I think Butter loves bunny ears. I have so many of those already! 

My exam begins tomorrow and... I just woke up from a 15 hours beauty slumber. 
No concept of time at all>_<
Have a good week you all!
I know it's Monday but hang in there, long weekend coming right up! 

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