Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Kko kko nara

I'm blogging like I haven't blogged in 1000 years but it's nice because it keeps me occupied at night. 

J came to pick me up this afternoon and brought me to his office with him!! Keke.
Little Personal Assistant for the day. Kekeke. 

Dapao-ed lunch! I love the YTF here at the Food Republic. It's so shiok. This is my feeble attempt at eating healthily. 
I love DEEP FRIED YTF. It's so shiok omg. And they are then drenched with this minced meat brown sauce which is so yummy. Wurve it ~~~

HAHAHAHAH! After we were almost done with out meal, there were 2 pieces of veg and a fishcake remaining and he said they were all mine. And I told him I could not eat anymore because I was very full. Right after that.......  
OMFG. Can I sue Ikea for hurting my self esteem??? ( haha kidding, pls don't sue me back ) I swear it must have been broken before that already or it is really about to spoil, but J said it's because I'm fat :'( So after that i didn't want to eat up the remaining vegs already so sad :'(

We were supposed to go for tea together today too, but didn't manage to due to circumstances. Is this God's sign of telling me to stop eating?!?! I have never broken a chair in my entire life man. It's kinda devastating leh, to be honest, I've never felt more obese than now!! :[

 Watching him do work.. * Fan girl mode on* I think he's the most handsome when he's focused while doing work. 
Yikes...Where got people do work will look at their pinky finger one, so kawaii de...

Met up with Felicia, Emelia and Hanwei for dinner. REUNION WOOHOO!!!
Love them. Had an epic time with them. I laughed till I teared and couldn't stop hitting my thighs cause I couldn't breathe. Omg. We don't even have to try, it's always a good time!! 

We had dinner at Kko Kko Nara! I was eating a chicken wing when I realised I forgot to take pic.
So this was the outcome of eating with my right hand and biting on a chicken wing while half heartedly snapping this pic with my left hand haha. 

And the army stew.. Which I can't even justify the price... for sausage, luncheon meat, veggie, rice cake and maggie mee...
Total bill came up to $80 for these two items we had!! Quite ex ley.
 But I had a fantastic time with them.. it's super funny hanging out with them every time.
It's like recess time again :)


Ok have a good day. It's thursday tomorrow already!!! 

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