Thursday, February 20, 2014

The pictures from the pool party are out!! 
I didn't know I am this fat? Hahahhaa. But everyone looks so happy here, I kinda like this candid picture. Can't remember what we were talking about that made all of us laugh. Anyway, that's his girlfriend, Denise. She's my shifu. She has the biggest heart ever omg. I've never met a girl like that!!
The level of trust she has in her boyfriend is level 9999999. 
Every time I want to get angry at Josh over something I will immediately tell myself " think Denise" lol

The guy with the pink earphone is Kelvin, who was also the organiser of this party! I knew him way before I know Josh, but never knew he had a secret DJ ambition! He was the DJ for the night. 

 Eh I don't know if this is Andy or Andrew. I think Andy. Haha.

The familiar faces.. Xueting, Andy, Denise, me, J. 

They were all so wet I had to deliberately make a gap between us. Everyone was just throwing each other in the pool it was so scary! 
Pretty fun party nonetheless. 
And Xueting was so gone that night... she was just going around drinking with different people. She's so cute. Oh I just got reminded that this was the night J got drunk like F. Lol. 
Ok gtg, I have an exam tmr! :(

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