Friday, February 28, 2014

Whine post

Hai Hai ! 
Haven't been in a good mood the past few days, school is really depressing. 
I have so much work to do, just the thought of all the projects.. and final examination makes me wanna cry. 
" After school, this will all be over" 
NOOOO... then comes the depressing thought of being unemployed and you no longer have the legit excuse of " I'm a student" .
Even after landing a job, you get work stress... and you'll have to cope with adult life. Pay taxes? 

You'll also be faced with social problems like watching all your friends get married and you are the only one being left on the shelves. 
Even if you are the lucky one who got married, you have to worry if you are financially stable enough to raise a child, and give him/her the best.
After that, also need to worry whether your child will turn bad...  

Life is just one depressing cycle. 
Gek xim. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Life is how you make it out to be.. Everything is about perspective! You need to be more positive. Maybe try watching/reading the secret? No use worrying about the future, just live for today!