Sunday, March 2, 2014

The sushi bar @ Far East Plaza

Hehe hihihi!!
This week is a good week because I met up with J 4 times this week!
Whee super happy. And we had a big date today too. More on that later !

I was craving for bread and butter pudding, I didn't have cream on hand, so I ate this with condensed milk, which was divine!!! 
 Crispy on the outside and soft on the inside.. Every piece of bread was soaked evenly with the custard mixture, and you could also taste the butter in between layers. If only I had some vanilla icecream on hand, that would be a perfect combi! 

At night , I met up with J and his friends at this pub in Bugis Plus. It's like a Timbre but with aircon. If you have been to Switch, it's exactly like switch! Pretty chillax I would say, we were just sitting on bean bags and slacking. Quite relaxing! 

We went to Butter after that. 
 Yay to more props! The manager threw the whole bunch of super hero masks into my bag! haha. There is Captain America, Iron man, Thor, Green Lantern and something else. 

 This mario was SO drunk again omg. She blamed it on this drink we had at the pub earlier on. You can try this ( deathly ) drink called " Adios Motherfucker" it apparently has 5 different types of alcohol and the effect will kick in slowly. But then again, Mario is always drunk no matter what alcohol you give her. She really looks like Hamburglar lol I cannot take it. 

 Unicorn hair band. Wheeee

With Emily

and my Bb

The guy on the left is Keith, he is a hardcore clubber. He was so irritating that night.. he go take the Asahi bottle and make " beer shower" so annoying

 I told J i'm a unicorn huan zhu gege . Haha. I was crazy over huan zhu ge ge last time. I would buy anything related to them. Especially stickers and those useless cards and posters lol. Cheena piang max.

Bumped into Vanida in Sonar. Lol. Every time I go Sonar I'll bump into her and Huizhen in the toilet haha. She's an authentic siam bu.

Got home about 6am? Woke up at 12.. and went down to J's place to find him to nua hehe. 
Even cooked him lunch. We had super awesome pumpkin soup ( my favourite favourite cream soup ) and omelette haha, We just made do with whatever easy thing we could cook because we were so hungry!! 

My pillow ^^

Sorry I was camwhoring while waiting for J to get ready. 

J says this is the innocent look. Lol really. No one has ever used the word " innocent" to describe my looks ever. Honestly, I don't really like people who look innocent, because they are the scariest kind of people I swear to you. The people who look the most angelic are the biggest backstabbers. There's a chinese proverb for it. It's called įŽ‘é‡Œč—åˆ€. They do the most incredible thing that is beyond your imagination. I've had many brushes with people whom I thought are kind and genuine but I've learnt that we should really never judge a book by its cover. Sorry, if i come across as a bitch. That's just my personal opinion. But of course, that is an over generalisation to say that all innocent looking girls are devious la.

my ootd which i snapped in a rush 

We went to Fep I did some shopping and we had Sushi bar for dinner. 
The queue was insane. I honestly didn't think the food justifies the queue. I think we queued for more than 30 mins. Omg. So happy he queued with me because I kept saying I am the only person in singapore who hasn't eaten here.

He says this is how I look when I cry haha. Please lor who cries like that. 

I hereby present to you, Mr Expression King. ( actually Frown King more like! )

He has such sharp features. 

As you know, I am very uncomfortable when it comes to eating raw food. *gags* 
So I don't eat sashimi. BUT!!! I ate it today for the first time. 
And I officially dislike it. 

J says the slices were really thick, no fishy smell and there's a sweet after taste! 
I ate it, it was so mushy I washed it down with a huge gulp of beer immediately.
I think it's all in the mind. I just feel like a bear scooping live fish out of the river to eat. Yikes.

I love scallops, so we ordered this but i didn't really like the texture of it, it was so soft.. you could barely taste anything apart from the mentai sauce. Thumbs up for the mentai sauce though, I really love the torched taste. 

I courageously ate 3 slice of sashimi from this. The other time we went to Shiok Maki, I removed the salmon on top. I just can't!!! But I ate it today I am so proud of myself. I just kept chewing and telling myself that the mushy part was the avocado haha. Really can't appreciate good food. I wouldn't go to say this was mind blowing,but it was delicious on the whole.You all must be thinking that I'm really crazy because sashimi is heaven to you all! I can't imagine reading about someone who gags when they eat cakes or icecream. Lol. 

He wore this shirt because I said I haven't seen him in it for a long time already. :)
He is so good looking *_* Just look at that face!! 

Bill came up for $58 I think. Hmm.. I would have rather eaten at marmalade pantry. ps cafe lo. 
But we had a movie at Shaw to catch so it made more sense to eat at FEP despite the crazy queue. 
I think it's overhyped. 

We had icecream after that. Hehe. My sweet tooth... This gelato is so expensive! It's 5.80 for one scoop, 7.80 for 2 and 8.80 for 3?? Omg. Obviously it made more sense ordering 3 scoops but I didn't want to be greedy and to deliberately eat more just to stretch the value. 
You know what I mean..

We caught non-stop after that!
Omg.. VERY NICE!!! Go and watch it.
My movie picks of the month are Lone survivor and Non-stop.
They are both so exciting!!! 
It was such a lovely day. 

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