Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Wawawa Bistro By the Reservoir

Hey!! How has your Monday been! 
Haven't prepared brunch for myself in a while, so I took some time today do it!
I always feel super satisfied after whipping up a huge breakfast. Would have paired it with a cup of freshly squeezed orange juice, but i was lazy and reached for the cold diet cold instead. I've been on a soft drink spree since CNY. If I cut down all these unhealthy drinks ( alcohols mostly ) I think I will be quite thin. HAHAH. I THINK LA. 

Went to the East to meet J for dinner! 
We went to Wawawa Bistro by the reservoir which is located at Bedok.
As the name suggests, the restaurant is located right beside the reservoir.

We were given a choice if we preferred Al Fresco or indoor dining. We went with the latter, since it was really dark outside. ( It's so hard to eat in the dark! ) The place was spacious, well ventilated, quiet and extremely chill. I think it's a great place for families, group gatherings or couples! 
All in all, I thought the place was a nice find, but my only gripe was THEY CHARGE WATER. 
I mean, is this even ethical? Hello!! 
I know Food for Thought used to charge for their water, but you were allowed to pay any amount you want, and the proceeds will go into building a well or something for the developing countries. 
I don't know if they really do that, but at least they justified it with a purpose.
They charge $1 for warm water ( non refillable) and for cold water you have to purchase a bottle of Fiji. Then J saw this little note that they charge $2 for a bowl of tidbits. 
We think this place is damn stingy la. Imagine you go to wine bar and they charge you for every bowl of tidbits they serve. D: * flip table* 
So if you're really anal about such stuff, you better steer away from this place. 

J had a cup of warm water because he was feeling a little under the weather and we shared the beer hehe. I've been wanting to have my burger and beer, I honestly think it's a super shiok combination. ( No prizes for guessing what I ordered as my main haha ) 

We had the Calamari.. Yummm. The batter was nicely seasoned, very crispy and the calamaris also didn't go soggy even till the end of the meal. I'm not a fan of soggy fries or soggy food. This was our favourite on the dinner table tonight. My vote goes to P.S Cafe if you ask me where has the best calamari! Try the buffalo calamari when you are there.. I love it! 

Calamaris- $8. The Heineken was $8 for half a pint and $11 for one pint. 

I had the mini burgers! Took a bite and my immediate reaction to J was " haha. BURGER KING" 
It just tasted like burger king. But hey, burger king does good burgers, at least in my opinion. 
The patty was tender and juicy. Not bad! J thought it was average. 

He had the carbonara. Haha. He is the biggest carbonara fan I know? If there are too many items on the menu, his choice will always be carbonara. I think it's his lazy-to-think food.  Which turns out really tasty although the sauce was a bit too thick! Nothing beats the cream sauce at Pasta Brava *_* 


All in all, we thought the food was pretty decent and friendly for the pocket. ( If you just go and eat one item on the menu it's less than $15) Even though most the mains are priced below $20, this dinner for the both of us came up to about $58 I think.
We are both small eaters but we love variety in our food. He has the tendency to over order, so I am always the the one saying " no! we can't finish! " Haha. 

Been listening to " How long will I love you" on repeat.
It's really such a sweet song. 
Who do you think of when you listen to love songs? 

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