Monday, May 26, 2014

Yacht Party!

Spent my Sunday out at the sea with Josh and friends. It was a sweltering day.
This was my 2nd boating trip, we didn't go to the beach this time, but we still had good fun on the boat !! 

With Xueting ( if you remember her from my previous HK posts, she's YOLO ) 

With J

With myself. HAHAHA. iKid .Anyway I was already very red even before we reached Lazarus island. It was sooooo warm. The sun was on full performance that day man.

 He looks nice with his shorter hair hor

Cute picture together ^_^ Such a charming boy. Obviously I am the more mesmerized one in the relationship lol. I don't think i've ever looked at another male the same way I look at him. <3

Wind in my hair shot lol 

Andy, J, me, Xueting 

Richard ( owner of the boat ) arranged with his other boating khakis to meet and party there too~

HAHAHHAHAHAHA. I just had to. Straw hat luffy. The blue sea and red shirt was just too perfect for me not to do this.

 Can you see the droplets of sweat on mario's forehead. it was really so warm we all went down to the lower deck to chill and blow air con. haha. i'd rather be without my phone than without aircon if i have to choose one lol. 

 she so cute here lol whats up with those eyes hahaha she looks like 招财猫 ( prosperity cat/ fortune kitty ) 


J saw that i was chilling alone before that so he came to accompany me. hehe. He was extra sweet that day. Love him!

Bliss :)

J and I also bought 2 5l barrel of beer and brought it on the boat!! It was smooth to drink, would be perfect if it was a little thicker. 

Richard ( most left) is the owner of the boat!! 

Omg see, I think my hair was still kinda nice here. Before we anchored the boat and started to party. And then it went mad.

 Took off my tshirt after that because i didnt want to get a tshirt tan. Selfie time~~
Also taking the chance to air my pits openly lol

I kept my phone after that, so the rest of the pics are from Shalon's or Zoe's phones. 

With Shalon. Who is a nice girl with a big heart. I like people with big hearts, because that is something i lack lol, which i'm trying to work on. 

Zoe is a camwhore queen man. Xueting brought her selfie stick and Zoe used it the entire trip because her phone is waterproof!! We all took turns to play with it! 
 Camwhored with her on the float. The selfie stick comes with a remote control which is super cool.
Can you even tell that these pictures were taken using the selfie stick? Sorry bout the blur pictures i think water got onto her phone!! 

 Then J came to join us

He was extra chummy that day, love it.

Candid shot of us, eee we can be really sweet together. Haha. He purposely came to the float to feed me a deshelled prawn. He had the other half of mine. So sweet right. Like I'm his first thought?  Aww.

Then Andy joined us too. 
Then we all migrated to another boat.. Idk what it's called. A boat that speeds. 
A speedboat?! Haha lol blonde moment.

With the owner of the boat. He's pretty cool and super good at wake turfing. 

As you can see, Josh is also getting the hang of using the selfie srtick. It's amazing really.
Shalon is using a Samsung phone, and the picture quality from her phone is super good. Look at how sharp and nice the colours are!! All the super clear and bright photos are from Shalon's phone. Makes me want to change to a Samsung but nyehh

 This is how we were most of the time hhaha. Told u Zoe was our photographer for the trip.

 I think this is my favourite picture of us ever :)

Before we took that shot, it was really funny. I didn't know J likes to use his hands to gesture as me as I do. And he is as expressive as i am lol. I think I was asking him about something that happened the day before and he's saying " huh what are you talking about???" 

" It really wasn't me" 

Me: " But do you remember,,,,"
Him : " Oh yah maybe.. "

HAHAHA Just kidding. I don't remember what we were talking about. But it was kinda easy to guess his replies based on his actions. Now what era already please, really got people still stroke their chin when they are thinking one meh? So cute.

This is the guy who owns the boat beside Richard's. His boat can BBQ one omg. Super cool. He bbwes us some prawns it was soooo yummy. I was damn impressed. Just imagine when youre stressed. You can just go to the sea, enjoy some sea breeze, bbq some food and enjoy a bit of wine. WAH... this is the life man.

Then the time came for us to go back. We basically drank and party on the boat and although the time felt so short, we were there for about 4 hours?? 

Sorry I just had to do this again. 
Great day out with my nakama!!!!! 

Inspired by this lol 

HAHAHAHAHHA !! Okkk! Hope you had a great weekend too :) 

I feel renewed and light this Sunday. 
I think I may have finally shaken off the anchor that has been weighing my heart down...hopefully.

In order to savour present sweetness, you have to be brave enough to let go of past hurts. 
In order to accept love, you have to put your defences down even though that represents risking being cut open again. 
Because after all, you can't protect yourself from pain without denying yourself of happiness.

They say love is allowing somebody to hurt you, yet trusting them not to. 
I cannot agree more. 

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