Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Two trees and Bar Bistro // Butter Factory

Hi, being a person with high inertia, when i start blogging, i do it all at once, if not i won't start at all. Haha. So lazy. After much procrastination, I finally decided to wipe off the dust on my laptop and churn out some posts again. 

Last week was fun filled and pretty incredible!! 

Went over to Two Trees and Bar Bistro at 14 Aliwal street  ( just a few streets off Haji Lane) on Tuesday to celebrate Xueting's birthday! She booked the entire cafe and treated us all to dinner! 
The concept of the place is simple and fuss free, food there is also very affordable. Mains are priced slightly over $10. 

I had the beef burger. This was $13.90 if I'm not wrong. Nothing impressive. ( burgers now will taste so average and meh because i recently met the Burger of my life. Omg. There hasn't been a day it didn't cross my mind. Hahahha. will blog about that in another entry!!) Minced beef patty + bacon + cheese sandwiched between two buttered buns, with crisp fries on the side. 

 There was a lot of tendon in the patty which was quite a put off for me. But the patty was super thick as you can see. And it is really not bad for $13.90. 
Le birthday girl~

After dinner most people left, and J and I found ourselves having yet another HTHT session over a jug of beer. ((: I didn't even realise till he mentioned " is this the 30 mins you were talking about?" 
The ends of my lips curled into a smile when I heard that. (: Because I mentioned in my previous post that I think having 30 mins HTHT sessions with your partner once in a while is something that can really strengthen your relationship!! He secretly reads my blog.. this sneeeeeaky boy!! 

He was sharing with me about his business, family,and friends. It was pleasant lending him a listening ear too. Even more so, because the person he chose to put down his guards and confide in, is me. 
I like it when he sees a friend in me you know? 
I have never felt closer to him than now. 

Met up with Sijia for tea at Prive. Love this place. I just want to sit there all day. 
Finally catching up with her after so long! Miss this girl!!
Damn the carbonara is pretty good here!!

Friday night at Butter was a good kind of fun !! 
Usually I get pretty emotional when I drink too much.. but last Friday was a nice of high. 
It is so important to stop drinking when you already know you cannot take it anymore!!
But I always like to over estimate my tolerance. Lol.

My sister was there too. We are super close every time we club. Haha.
She had a table near the dance floor, so I went to find her, and some guy just kept trying to pull me away from my sister, but my sister just kept hugging me . Hahaha. Super protective. Love her.

Mario doesn't remember when this was taken. She really damn jialat

Farmer Goh.

Haha why is she so epic. She can be my water bed. 

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