Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Ikoi @ Miramar Hotel

I'm back with a food post! Had dinner last Saturday with J and his family. 
Ikoi shouldn't be unfamiliar to you if you love Japanese food. It is located right at the lobby of Miramar hotel. They offer pretty value-for-money lunch and dinner buffet at about $50 per pax after GST and taxes. The best part about such buffet is that you can eat all you want but you do not have to keep walking up and down to choose your food, and you can make sure that your food is being prepared a la minute! All you have to do is to order whatever you want from the menu! As much as I've heard and read about how good Ikoi is, I was not able to fully appreciate it because I do not consume sashimi. 

Very lucky for us, Josh's father is a regular there so we were served several " premium items" not listed on the buffet list, without any additional costs! We were seated along the counter, and we get to watch the chef display his fine slicing skills right before our eyes! 

First up were these boats of freshly sliced sashimi ( consisting of Tuna, Salmon belly, yellow tai, octopus, and sword fish ( i think? ) )
There were 6 of us there, so we had one " boat" to two of us, which also means one "boat" to josh himself. Lol. He kept forcing me to try every single time we go to a Japanese restaurant omg . But I tried it again this time because he said he is training me up so next time we can go to Japan together!! OMGGGGG DISNEY LAND!! So I bravely chewed into a slice of salmon belly but honestly all I can think about is how mushy it is and that it is RAW omg. I immediately down a glass of johnny walker man. I better start controlling my alcohol intake before his parents think I'm an alcoholic lol. 

They look super fresh and there was no smell at all. it's pretty impressive. 

This baked scallop with melted cheese was the star of the night for me omg. 
 It's freaking tasty. I love it so muchhh whee. The scallops were generously covered with cheese, I had a great deal of fun digging the them out, it was like treasure hunt. The cheese was so stringy and fragrant, and when you bite into the whole scallop, it is so sweet and fresh I can almost taste the whole ocean in my mouth lol . I told Josh this is so much better than lobsters, and he looked at me with an expression that says " you are such a foolish girl" HAHAH. He thinks i'm really silly for not being able to appreciate good food like him. I just don't think I should like to eat certain food just because it's expensive!! Anyway this is on the special menu, and 2 for $8 only freaking worth.

Look at the cheese T_T

More sashimi because josh loves sashimi

 This was my second fav of the night. Blow torched salmon it was sliced so thinly it totally melted in my mouth mhhhmmmm~ so yummy. 

We had so much more food than these but i didn't wanna take my phone out to snap every dish, and also the food was being served very aggressively. They come together all at once, it's so overwhelming haha. Food was pretty good though. And service was very fast! 
There are two timings for dinner, 6-8pm and 8pm to 10 pm! be sure to make reservations if you don't want to be disappointed! T he place was packed to the brim when we arrived at 6pm and i think it's always like that! 

Address: 401 Havelock Road, #01-01 , Hotel Miramar, 169631
Tel: 68873788

We caught Dawn of the Planet of The Apes after dinner, I quite like it, but of course the first one was still better in terms of story line. The second one was just very exciting haha.
Had cold stone for dessert after.

I no longer remember to take pictures anymore.
I really don't. Like Josh will always ask me " don't you wanna take a pic of it?" Then i'll be like " oh yah! Ok!" Haha. If not i probably won't have all these pictures too!

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