Monday, July 7, 2014

Long time no selfie!!! 
Woke up at freaking 830am that day to get ready to attend the church wedding.  * eggciting* 
It was so touching!! 
" Since the marriage was brought together by God, let no man break it apart" 
The idea of a marriage lasting a life time is very foreign to me. But witnessing the newly weds exchanging their wedding vows was so sincere and nice, I also want to get married ley lol. 

 Honestly can never imagine anyone making a vow to love me, in sickness and in health, to pledge their faithfulness, and having someone to say to me "till death do us part"
OMG. I think I will faint on the spot. Never even hear anyone tell me "  you're the prettiest in my eyes" or something as disgusting but sweet before. Lol. If i really get married, Instead of coming to witness my marriage, it's like witnessing a fainting session. How to carry our the rest of the wedding like that.
And I'll be crying non stop if i didn't faint haha. Or maybe i will cry until i faint lol.  You know my emotions always get the best of me. lol.
This is why i will always be left on the shelves. 

The first church wedding i've ever attended. The bride is so thin!!

Came home to nap after that i was so freaking tired.  Got ready for dinner at Fairmont. It was a lovely dinner, I was kept very entertained. 
 Timothy and his younger brother ( left) . His younger brother is not even 18 yet lol i was so shock?

This is Tsu ern, joshua's childhood friend whom joshua asked to take care of me! Made sure i didnt feel out of place because josh was the best man and was all over the place the whole time! 
Damn funny this guy. 

Havent been taking much photos recently. 
Just can't really be bothered. 
Ok la actually i've been quite busy the past week looking for my dresses and running other errands. 
This week is gonna be super slack but sad because J is going for his re service i am super bad.

If i have been busy the past week, it must have been hell for him! On top of the wedding preparations he had to settle his work and army stuff. We barely had any alone time together, but also can't blame him, because it's not like he is very free and he doesn't wanna meet me or smth. He also very poor thing :( and now he's going to camp for a week to suffer. Sob sob. 
Can't wait for him to come out to shower him with more love. 

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