Thursday, July 31, 2014

River Safari

Hello!!!! Went to River Safari on Monday! It was a public holiday, and I was very excited to be spending it with J. I woke up at 830am omg. J's family had breakfast around my house area, and picked me up after that to go back to their place because J the pig was still sleeping !!

Tammy was super cute, she froze at this expression for 5 secs bcos i told her to not move i need to take a picture!! 

Damn stiff. She is so cute!! 

i love her. I honestly never thought there will be a day i can accept pets licking me lol. 

After the sleeping prince has awoken, we set off to Mandai !! Playing his hp again!! I should do a collage for him lol.

His mommy is so cute... Like a Japanese tourist hehe

J wearing the new shirt I bought him. Shuai !

We went with his papa, mama, ahma, didi ( josiah) and his didi's girlfriend. There are still more pictures from Josiah's camera but I haven't received them! :( Reached there about 1 ! 

I honestly didn't think I was THAT short till I saw this picture. Sobsss. I want to be tall... :( But Josh says he likes that i'm petite, hehe makes me feel a bit better about myself. And plus he can always carry me without it looking like he is being smashed by me lol. 

It started drizzling after this but thank God it was just a passing cloud! Can't imagine how shitty the trip would be if it was raining all the way. 

He is so chummy to his mom no wonder she loves him so much!

We saw so many animals! River Safari isn't exactly exciting, but it's quite incredible and amazing to see all these creatures i've never seen before! 

Some fish

Some alligator

some tourist

Happy tourist

More fish!!! They were huge!! 

On our way to see the pandas! ( and finally blow some aircon ) So excited!!  

This is the red panda. It's damn cute please!! 

This one was just lying there in this position the whole time. the dace is super stoned. 

And after seeing the famed " kai kai" we just felt so lame because it was just sleeping. I think it all depends on your luck when you are there! It woke up to yawn for 1 min and everyone was screaming with excitement, then it went back to sleep -__-"

I wanted to say I wish I could live the life of a panda. Every day sleep and eat. But come to think of it, I'm also like that ? Lol. Except that they don't get nagged at haha.

 It is quite cute la, but nothing much to see. Here's one touristy shot of me with kai kai. Lol. The jia jia was sleeping in the room the whole time... you ca only view her through the CCTV. zzz

Even though it looked very sunny, it was very cooling with the air con. I almost couldn't bear to leave that place lol.

There's a shop selling all the panda merchandise once you step out of the panda viewing area. 

Can I purchase the one in the centre???? So cute! this picture is so cute. iMeltz. 

This is my fav pic of the trip because we looked really retarded here lol. Joshua looks like he is 7 lol. 

We went to the panda kitchen after because i told him we MUST have the panda bao on our instagram lol. Haha. He totally understands and is forever supportive whenever i wanna take a picture. love it. <3

So cute!!!!!! The food was honestly quite meh. The panda bao are just tau sar buns. Nothing special, but it's a novelty . 

I couldn't bear to stir my latter because i didn't wanna destroy the panda, its freaking cute!!

There are his parents! Very very nice people. His mom has one of the biggest hearts I know. Very selfless and forgiving. His dad is always always cracking jokes lol. Such a nice family. 
This just highlights to me the importance of having a good family. So blessed. 

Then we went into this cage thing you can get really close to the monkeys! We were so excited to see them coming so close to us! And then they peed right in front of us omg. Like if i were to take two steps forward i would have probably been drenched by the urine? Yucks. 

And i didn't know that there is an aquarium in there as well! It's almost like the sea aquarium at rws except that you get to see manatees! Omg. Manatees are the cutest sea animals ever! Dolphins are no doubt cute, but manatees are the ugly kind of cute that you just want to love them? Haha. 

And then this manatee just spiraled down slowly and fell on the floor omg i swear i felt my heart ache a little when i thought it was about to die? Because they were all hugging each other before that, and after this one fell, the rest came crowding around it omg i was so scared i tell you. 

Then we realised that they were " hugging" because they were either mating or because the calf will always stick around with the mother. So cute...
These were HUGE. I could stand there all day marveling at its greatness.  

Just look at how cute it is. Josh has been telling me about learning how to scuba dive, and as much as i am amazed by them, the thought of swimming beside them scares the crap out of me. And it's not like i can be hugging josh or something when we dive. Omg. So scared!!! 

After that, we went for the boat ride. Which costs an additional $5 per pax! I thought it was quite worth it because we got to see so many more animals! 

so many different kinds of monkeys~

flamigos aka Mr. Two. ( lol. starting the one piece fanatic in me again ) 

These birds were so gorgeous, their feathers are in such a beautiful shade of red.


And that was all!!! 
His grandma took the ride with us too and i just thought she was super cool??? Like she didn't even refuse taking it. Haha. My grandma didn't even dare take escalator in the past. 

Found another panda merchandise shop, and found our paws this time. He is damn cute. iMeltzagain
Can't believe after November we would have been dating for 2 years already but iObsessed like mad still.

These paws were J's hands lol. I borrowed them to take a selfie.

We took about 4hours to walk around the whole place and took a break in between. There is a lot of walking so please go in something comfortable lol. I really think every one should go because I had a lot a lot of fun and couldn't stop thinking about the manatees lol. It is way more fun than sea aquarium probably because it is more interactive! 

We went over to J's cousin place after that. And I'm just like... what the.

IT IS HUGE!!!! Freaking 4 storeys. With a pool !

If this was my house, I'd have breakfast here ever morning and enjoy the morning sun. LOL. ( If I even wake up in the morning. ) Shiok much? 

There is a lift in the house T_T What kind of extravagance. I just feel so lol because it is damn kua zhang. Like how can anyone be so rich. omg. Why am I poor. I kept telling Josh " I'm feeling quite jealous now" HAHAHAH. Kidding of course.. 
But J said to me " I will work hard and buy a house like that too ok? " OMG !! DOES THAT MEAN HE WANTS TO LIVE WITH ME????

Mua hahaha. Ok maintain. 

 A pool in their house!! 

After that we went back to J's place because he had relatives coming over. 
We ordered pizza for dinner. 

This domino's pizza is not nice AT ALL. Omg. 

This pesto pizza with spinach and mushroom was gross. I love pesto pasta! But this whole pizza just tasted like I was eating slices of butter. Too freaking buttery and oily. Not nice!! 

Watched TV and went home after. It was a very fulfilling day indeed!!!! 

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