Monday, August 4, 2014

Singapore Art Museum

 Met up with Kelly on Friday! She was super sweet to accompany me to the Art museum. I like to go to the museum once in a while , you get to see quite interesting things there! Haha, but most of the time I can't understand since I'm not artsy fartsy lol.  We were walking around the museum trying to find the Sensorium art fair , when we walked into this! Omg, had the shock of my life. It's so creepyyyy. 

then there was the laser maze which was what I wanted to go for. I really thought it was a maze, like you had to find your way out. But it was basically just a dark room with laser beams. It was also kinda scary since we didn't know if it was an empty space a ahead or just a wall. And we were trying our best to avoid touching the laser beam , and crossing it with caution because it feels like something bad would happen if we were to touch it. 

After taking this shot of her, I said she looked damn scary... especially it being the 7th month. And she wanted to help me take one too.. but suddenly there was a a gush of dry ice, we screamed like mad lol. We are so timid haha.

A room with cushion boobs. 

she's so cute

she gave me a bag of goodies she bought from overseas. Thank you for thinking of me every where you go. ^_^ she's like an elder sister to me. When we used to work at Frolick together, we always bring food to share because there is nothing to eat at Cathay. Haha. We would work for 12 hours a day and go home together, wake up and then go to work to see each other again hehe. 

She brought me to Switch after! Switch is under the Timbre group, and has the same concept which is a bar with live band, and they share the same menu. Which also means you can get the popular duck pizza here too! She also recommended me the frozen strawberry magarita which was so strong omg. For me to say that a drink is strong, must be really strong to be honest. I was flushed after probably 3 sips. Hehe. Then we ordered another drink called Sakura ( Lychee + vodka ) and it was so yummy!!

While eagerly waiting for our food ~~

Thank you for the great day out!!!!!! :*

 Went over to Choa Chu Kang on Sunday, which was pretty close to where J lives, so I went to find J after. But this clever boy went for the BMW car show despite knowing i was going to go over !! He just kept asking me to go over to his place to chill first. Which I thought was weird right. why would I go to his place when he is not there... I was a bit scared initially but actually it was quite shiok. I totally love slacking at his place now. His father even asked me to drink beer with him lol. 

Had these ginormous mangoes after dinner. My eyeballs neared dropped out. Haha.
They are huge . Like 3 times the normal mangoes we usually see.  

Tried these biscuits that his brother brought back from Canada. It's freaking good omg!! 

Then we went over to Katong because he had to settle some work. Hehe. He looks so charming whenever he is doing work. Some mac-ception here.

We caught Guardians of the Galaxy after. Which I thought was super lame. I mean it's so comical, and not what i was expecting of a Marvel film. J liked it though. After movie, we went to Shisha for a bit and had supper at this 24hour oyster meesua place at Geylang called Yong He Dou Jian You Tiao.

This was their carrot cake. Which was consisted of shredded carrot cake in a pan fried bun topped with egg. Not nice one. 

Reached home ay 4am omg....And I slept till 3pm. Lol. I really sleep like a pig . It's so unbecoming of a lady!! Haha

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