Wednesday, March 23, 2011

So happy I just updated my ipod and I have this mega strong urge to Zouk. I keep listening to this on repeat. HAHAHHA. I think I haven't been there in like 2 months already? o.o 

I need to stop being late for class k. I was only 5mins late for my quiz just now, and I didn't get to hear the question... So when I asked the girl beside me, he said " no conversing" CHAO ANG MOH.
So I handed in a blank paper... zzzzz. Reaally hate ang moh profs.

Anyway I'm in love with tshirts. I need to buy more of them~ Been wearing them the past two days. Haha ( cause I only have 2 tshirts) Gonna wear Cy's one tomorrow. Heeheehee, super love wearing his tshirts. SUPER LOVE!

Mega love no eye liner days~ I'm so bored in class I'm gonna play Viwawa. Ciaozxz.

P.S Oh btw, HAHAHA! I find it quite funny when I read formsprings and the people answering them are like so hostile. Like " AND HOW DOES THAT CONCERN YOU?" or " IS IT ANY OF YOUR BUSINESS?" HAHAHHA! Isn't it funny? I mean..... You ask people to ask you anything, and when they do, you ask them " for what you want to know?" It's like..... ? -.^ ? Like taking the leash of a dog, and saying "go sushi, go run about! Go and catch the bone! "  and when it runs off and comes back with the bone you're like " Who told you to go get the bone!?" HAHAHAHA

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