Monday, September 12, 2011

 15 minutes ago, someone commented on my formspring "I think you're scary coz you're ugly."

Of course I'm upset. I mean. I must be really offensive to look at for someone to tell me this? 
Before throwing sarcastic comments back, I always like to reflect first. I don't just rage. I would start asking myself things like " is it me that's why this person is treating me this way " or " what have I done to offend this person? " etc. So here goes.

Well, I don't think I'm pretty. Far from it. 
But I do take pictures of myself when I like my make up, when I like what I was wearing, or when I feel a bit more presentable that day because my face actually looks small on photobooth. 
I think the only people who can call me ugly are those who have seen me without make up. But like I've said, only people whom I hold close to my heart have seen this side of me. And I don't think anyone of them would be mean enough to write an anonymous comment about it. So I am scarily ugly even with make up on? That's damn sad. I can't even attempt to make myself look more pleasant now?

Yah, you can tell me that at least I'm not as ugly as the anon who goes around telling people that they are ugly. But I see no reason why I should take consolation in that because that would make me an equal with him/her, since I am making myself feel better by putting someone else down.

And to be honest I was super offended by this "why you no lanjiao?Like wow?
Haha, should I reply " why you want me to have lanjiao?" or " I have. Waiting for you to suck."
LOL. So crude. Of course I did not reply that. Ladies always keep composure~~

Of course I wish I was all the above lol, but I cannot control my thoughts. I curse people. I lie. I sometimes wonder how people are born without a brain. I always think I'm cooler than a lot of my school mates. I bitch. HAHA. I'm also human. 
And being offensively ugly or having a cock or not doesn't make me any less of one.


Anonymous said...

I don't get why some people find joy in putting others down. Idk but I think they're just insecure about themselves/ things and maybe doing that will make them feel better so I'm sorry they vented whatever they were feeling on your formspring. And I don't think you're ugly, don't ever think that way!

Anonymous said...

you're definitely not ugly dear and i saw you in real life just this week!

Weizhen Teh said...

AWWWW! LOVE YOU ALL!! <3 <3 Though I don't know who you guys are but thanks for being my friend and putting in nice words for me teehee. *group hugggie*

Maine said...

My dearest Allie,

You are the by far one of the (few) sweetest girl I've ever known. You are the pretty, affectionate, thoughtful, cute, sensitive, beautiful, funny.. And the list goes on.

I didn't write those words just like that, while typing those words I had the things that you do in mind. Your infectious and bubbly character matches how you are on the outside.

I don't think I need to stress how much of a sour grape that anonymous person is by writing such things on your formspring, ANONYMOUSLY. Firstly it's cowardly, if he/she feels that way about you, he/she should tell it to your face. If he/she's shy, then come to my face and tell me and I will slap the fuck out of him/her.

Also, I would like to tell the person how beautiful you are on the inside and out and remind the person how ugly he/she is on the inside. Ugly enough to write ugly things to put people down.

p.s/ I wrote Allie instead of Weizhen cause it's very notebook-ish and I know it will make you smile. ;)

Loving you always,