Thursday, June 13, 2013

Hello... It's Thursday finally! It's my 6th week of intern already hoyeahh.
4 more weeks and back to my favourite sloth days..
Baked a chicken pie last saturday!!! 

 Had company BBQ on Sunday and caught " Now you see me" after that,
The trailer looks pretty interesting but the twist in the story was so shitty.
Bad movie.

Dragged myself to work on a Monday and was greeted with a mid day surprise :)
So sweet.
First time trying the matcha ( green) and vanilla kaya (blue) ?
the blue one is quite nice but the kaya taste is DAMN strong. 
So much love for this person who surprises me every now and then. <3
thank you for wanting to make me happy
 Oh baked oreeo brownies on Tuesday!

 they were all gone on Wednesday. Mommy likes it too!! 

She also just became an iphone user , she is soo cute
 Dinner last night with my friend. 
We shared this and ordered an additional side of wedges.
The fries and wedges were soooo good !
The mac and cheese too.
I can live on sides 4 lyfe


Anonymous said...

HI!! Mind sharing the oreo brownie recipe? :) thankyou~

Weizhen Teh said...


You're welcome :)

Anonymous said...

Why are you keeping your love life on the down low? Just wondering :)

Weizhen Teh said...

Because i don't have a love life.... I have close friends.