Saturday, September 28, 2013

Dinner at Ikea // 5 love language

Hello! Quick update!
The week went by in a blink of an eye. So sick!
Friday was great because I didn't have to give tuition after school so I could meet J for dinner!
We went to Ikea !! I've been craving for it for a while already and I was so happy he suggested that (since he had to go down ikea to get some stuff) Really love how telepathic we are :) 

This was what we had! I love the clam chowder!! *slurps* I will always want to have soup when i'm there. Actually we always eat the same thing when we are there.

I dug this photo up and this was what we had the previous time we were there. LOL. We totally ate the same thing exact thing omg. 2 chicken wings with 2 saucers of chili sauce, 15 piece meatballs change potato to fries for him and poached salmon change peas to broccoli please thank you. and an additional bowl of soup because we both love soups ^^  wanted to have a cheesecake or daim cake but we were too too full after that

we had an additional bowl of baby cray fish this time.

When I say baby, i mean it. It's so tiny lol damn cute

He carefully de-shelled all these for me while I de-bone the chicken wings for him. He is so cute to arrange these after peeling them.. the things we do tgt... lol

Went to Velvet and Butter after. It was a lovely dinner date. :) 
He made me smile so much my cheeks were sore and my eyes were totally  ^_^
He always say things that makes blood rush to my face.
I love how he still makes me shy after so long... every date is still like our first. 

On the cab i just kept grinning to him like an idiot he asked me what made me so happy...  of course it's you sillycake

omg so much work to do. mid teems next week yucks

5 Love Language

I want to share something I discovered a while back but threw it at the back of my head.
I've done this test before but I took it again because I forgot what was my love language and I guess people change so maybe my love language will too. 
I like buying little gifts for people to remind them that I love them.. and sometimes I expect the same kind of love back. But it doesn't make sense because every one has their own language, and not everyone loves and wants to be loved in the same way.

I think that's why some couples fight a lot. Despite putting in ton of effort, your other half is just completely blind or immune to it. Or you feel very tired because you've given all you have in the relationship, but it's still not enough. Perhaps that's because the love you are showing is not received the same way? This is really some food for thought. You love him the way you want to be loved, but you have to love him the way he wants to be loved too!!

Basically the 5 love language are :

1. Quality Time
2. Physical Touch
3. Words of Affirmation
4. Receiving gifts 
5. Acts of service

My love language is 
1. Quality Time
2. Acts of Service
3. Receiving gifts,
4. Physical Touch
5. Words of Affirmation. 

Quality Time
This is why I can never be in an LDR...Quality time is really important to me! Quality time can refer to undivided attention, or a listening ear or both. It's not merely a person being there for you physically, or as long as the person is within your sight. ( eg. playing games while you do your work. ) I really love that the kind of love J gives me fits my love language perfectly. We would have heart to heart talks before we fall asleep sometimes, and it pleases me because I really thought guys usually just fall asleep while you're talking or something. 
There was once I was in school waiting for my project meeting to start, and he was at Wheelock. We just impromptu met up for tea...even if we only have 30 mins to meet up, or even 10 mins.. we still do! Or he had to go back to office to pick up something in the middle of the night, and I tagged along even though he thought it was really lame for me to just sit in the car with him for a short while. It is really not the quantity but the quality that matters he is fully present emotionally in the 10 mins and I am thankful for it. But quality and quantity both best la. 

Since my primary love language is quality time, it is very tough for me to be with some one who cannot give me even a fraction of his attention. Imagine being together with someone physically but your hearts and minds are always else where. Even when you are out it is always with his group of friends.. and he doesn't bother to show you any affection and you just feel like one of them?  Not special at all. And imagine when you are on the phone, and he is distracted playing his game...  that will really make me want to hang up and see how long it will take for him to call back after he has realised I'm off the line...  

I need my other half to be present emotionally for me.. sometimes J watches his videos on his comp and I just lie on bed using my phone. We still feel perfectly comfortable. I don't mean we have to spend every living moment being together physically and emotionally because we obviously need our own space. But there should be a balance!

Acts of Service
Basically the way you love your other half is a reflection of how you want to be loved. It was no surprise to me that Acts of Service scored the same as quality time. I always believe that being of service to people can show them how much they mean to you.. and to what extent you would go to help them. If your other half's Acts of Service ranks the lowest in their love language, then maybe that's why you feel like no matter how much you have done for them it's never enough because they just don't care about acts of service. 

You know I was blogging about how De-shelled the crayfish for me? And I found that really sweet because no guy has de shelled anything for me before. And that little act he did makes me feel special , like he doesn't want me to get my hands dirty... ^^ If you score low in acts of service, you'll probably bypass these little acts and don't show your partner how you appreciate them ( which comes off as taking things for granted even though you may not mean it ) when they go the extra mile to do things for you.

Words of affirmation 
Words of affirmation scored the lowest for me because I am a firm believer of the saying " Actions speak louder than words" . Having that said, I still love hearing cheesy things like "I miss you" and "I love you". But they are just less important as compared to my other love languages. So if my partner only tells me he loves me without showing it, it's very unlikely that I can trust him! But words of affirmation may be his primary love language that's why he tells you he loves you more than showing it... but nah. That to me is just... laziness being sugar coated. 

You don't have to speak the same love language to be compatible.
Instead, you should understand different people love and want to be loved differently. Try not to be angry or upset at your partner, but pay attention to your other half's love language. That should help reduce a ton of friction between you two.

Hope you found this interesting! 
You can take the test at

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