Sunday, December 8, 2013


I had an awesome weekend last week followed by meeting up with J on Monday.
So that was 4 days in a row!!! *_*
I was so happy! :)
I used to wonder how people meet everyday because I'm the kind that need a lot of space.
I feel so suffocated at the thought of meeting everyday, but I guess when you are in love, everything is different. The air smells fresher, your footsteps get lighter, and even plain water tastes sweeter! Cliche but true!
I just feel like this is my first love if you know what I mean? 

Anyway, on Wednesday we met again!!
HAHAHA. I kinda tricked him to meet me but not exactly.
So my macbook was dead. Like I couldn't turn it on no matter what I tried.
I was very upset because I just changed my screen a few months back and that costed me $380 so having to fork out another $2k for my comp was quite heartbreaking for me.
I texted him and said I am super sad and I want a hug.
The next thing I know, he was below at my house 10 mins later :') 
I was so touched. 
He treated me to beer after that because ice cream shops were all closed.

And of course I was distracted from my sadness after seeing him!!
I really like how he will always try to make me feel better when he can. 
I felt so in love all over again, and didn't want to part after a beer, so I stayed over hehe.^^
When I was there he asked me " is there anything I can bring in to make your stay more comfortable? Water? Ice cream? " 
Do you understand now why I am so hopelessly in love with him haha. I mean, he is so caring!! It is such a nice feeling to be taken care of :)
The next morning he prepared a sandwich for me. 
No one has done this for me before. They are all very simple gestures, but it is really through appreciating all these that makes you treasure the person you have. 
After that, he went to google about how to solve my mac's problem, and after a few trails with his magic fingers, the macbook start up sound came on and I was like!!!!
So in the end, he revived my laptop, brought me out for a beer and I gained a stay over!!
Every thing turned out well in the end, so happy!

Brought him to Akashi at Orchard parade hotel yesterday!! 
I ordered the tempura roll, it is super salty but i love it. I love sushi with fried food inside am I weird. I have been having sushi craving everyday. Sushi might be my favourite food for now

He was quite full because he had a late soon, so we ordered the Sukiyaki to share and his comment about it was " is this salty or salty?" Haha. It is very heavily flavoured, but I like it!!
He also had the salmon sashimi which was like $20 for 5 pieces, but he thinks it's nice so I thought it was worth it. It's funny how I am always bringing him to places I heard have good sashimi when I don't even eat them. 

Went to Butter after that because my sister was there. Last night was our first and it was quite fun!! She kept kissing me and praising me in front of her friends which I feel weird now thinking about it but happily accepted it last night because I was kinda high. 
You see, my sister and I do not show any kind of affection towards each other, in fact we are just cold towards each other but I know she loves me a lot.

Yesterday after introing her friends to my friends, and of course formally introducing J to my sister, they just kept talking. And I just sat on the sofa and watch them act like BFFs.. whut... next thing I know Jerome told me " eh your sister crying:" I was like whaaaat.. seriously.-.- 
Then I found out that she told him to take good care of me because she loves me a lot. 
Awww. so silly. 
Also super happy that J was so open about entertaining my sister and taking care of her cos she was SO drunk. I love the two of them so much.

And then I wanted this My Little Pony pinata so I stole it from butter hahaha and my sister carried it home for me I don't know what to do with it. 

 Had home cooked dinner today which was really simple and nice. 
All my favourite food!!! 

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