Monday, January 6, 2014

Walk down memory lane

Hello. I am back from the dead. Sort of lost interest in blogging about my daily activities. 
My holidays will officially come to an end tomorrow, sigh, it is really depressing. At age 22 I can still vividly remember how I felt on the first day of school in Primary one, because I still feel exactly the same now. Cries. 
It is my last semester already,. I have yet to clear my 80hours of CIP which is compulsory for me to graduate. Thinking about this really makes me so depressed. 
Compulsory internship + compulsory CIP hours + compulsory 4 years of studies.. really makes me wonder why I did not choose NUS instead? Anyway I am down to my last semester already, it is ironically not as liberating as I thought, My school mates have already started applying for jobs, taking leave of absence to intern so they can get a job when they graduate, or have already gotten a job. And I am just here being uncompetitive and lazy. Where can I buy motivation?? 
Sigh. Really need to mature up more this 2014.

Speaking of which my 2013 was nothing short of awesome!  As cliche as it sounds, we all agree 2013 came and went by in a blink of an eye. Where did all that hours go!

By end 2012, I met a boy who lifted me up at my lowest and stayed by my side even when things got really shitty and ugly. 
As you know, my friend and I had been dating for quite some time, and because of reasons, I didn't manage to post as many things as I would like to!! But I will now!! ^^

He actually brought me to many many many places and checked off so many cafes on my to-go list. 
He would even wake up to bring me out for brunch on Saturdays even though he was drinking hardcore the night before. 
The first time I felt we were going into the real dating stage was when we went to Bangkok in February. I had school then, but I skipped it to be with him.. #YOLO 

We had a thai friend with us, so she brought us to really yummy restaurants, we couldn't stop raving about the food we had on the first night. All the food we had + nice ambience+ a tower of beer for about $80 sgd for 4 people? We were saying we can't even get a tower for that price in Singapore! 
Really missing Bangkok right now! 

I think this was in April! We went to the SEA Aquarium!! I was super happy. Our first adventure together!!! Because I haven't done such touristy things in a loooong time. The last time I went to a zoo was when I was 7? Bird park probably 7 also? Sentosa beach probably when I was 13? Yah you get the point....

So when he agreed to go to the aquarium with me i was so glad! It was also pleasant because he was educating me about all the different species of fish. He goes fishing occasionally so he recognises most of the fishes. The jelly fish section was my favourite. There is something therapeutic about watching them float around care-freely . We thought there weren't dolphins so when we saw them we just stood there and watched in awe. :) Even though I thought it was quite boring when I was there, thinking back, i am really happy we went, and I don't mind going again??  

Hahaha I am also proud to say in 2013 I have completely overcome my fear of dogs. No one was able to help me with it !! My aunt had 3 dogs at her place last time and whenever my sis and I went over she'll have to leash them up. My cousin is a complete dog lover. Once I was at his house, and I thought I was ok with dogs already, it turned out to be my biggest nightmare. When I started walking towards the kitchen, it started following me omg, I started running and it started chasing me HELP. I jumped up to the washing machine my mom was so afraid I would fall out of the window. End of story.

But now I like her so much I want to keep her at my house. And I can walk around the dog pool with so many aggressive dogs and still not feeling the urge to run away haha.
Brought Tammy to swim for the first time!! She's super cute, obedient and intelligent, I've never met a dog like her. I really like her. 
Us trying to take a picture tgt to commemorate our first time bringing tammy out to swim together!!

 Haha she's so cute

July we celebrated his birthday. I will always remember July now as a month of lobster because we had lobsters like every weekend, except for the last friday of July we had crayfish instead!
Haha. It was my first birthday with him. :) 

August was my birthday. My first birthday with me 

He also bought me my first bought of Laduree macarons *cries*
This is my fourth box of macaros from him.He got me mostly rose and sakura flavours bcos i love them !! I remember once I had quite bad cramps, he bought me these happy food to cheer me up too. Caramel corn biscuits and a box of macarons.. That was the first box of macarons he got for me. :)

 Obolo has the BEST macarons in my opinion. 

Also flew to bkk in august with sijia and jorene! 
This is one of my favourite memory. :)
He brought me to USS Halloween!! 
We both went to USS a number of times but halloween was out first!
It wan't wow, super fun, or super scary.But it was an eye opener, and I enjoyed his company immensely. :) 

November was Hanwei's birthday. Really happy he joined me at her party. This is hanwei's first bfay party because she is always celebrating her bday overseas. 
Last year I flew right after my last paper to reach Bali before 12 ( I remember I arrived about 1145) to spend her bday with her ok. Every time I use this as a trump card if she mentions anything about me not being a good enough friend. Hahaha. But she has also never left me a lone for any of my bday i love her!!

 This was our 3rd time at JB together. One day after Hanwei's birthday. My first time clubbing in malaysia, and even though the club was not impressive and the people there are all strangers, plus can smoke in the club kind yikes, the party turned out pretty good because all is good with alcohol lol.  I am surprised I look pretty ok in this picture because I had one of the worst hangovers in my life. I don't usually get hangovers but when I had to puke the next day even it is really damn gross. But luckily he took care of me all the way. 

 This was the night I introduced my sister to him. Haha. He really likes this picture for what reason I don't know. But I agree it's a cute picture because we were both embracing each other's silliness haha. 
It's nice when you can be silly in front of people you love and not having to worry about them judging you. 

We had many cafe dates and.. Even though he isn't a very mushy or open person, and the bratty me sometimes misunderstand and thinks he wants to hide me from the world, I know he really 很疼我 deep down. I am very thankful he took a huge leap of faith to introduce me to his friends and family. It really wasn't easy for us to get to where we are today. I know of a lot of people who really change partners like clothes. With him putting in so much thought about us being together also makes getting together so much more meaningful !! 

Eve of new year eve, emelia and I went to City plaza to do some shopping but I didn't manage to find anything!! I finally tried the CP plaza every one claims is the best. But I'm just like. Isn't this just normal ban mian... I don't understand.. MEt up with hanwei afterwards. They bring me so much joy every time I'm with them!! 

 NYE 2013 @ My House
My family was at my place on NYE, we had the annual tradition of having popiah, kueh pie tee and a lot of other random food. We had that for Xmas eve last year. Haha. 
Jayven is Primary One this year. He is so big now!

My new niece haha. Jayven kept sniffing her and talking to her in a weird baby language

My turn to carry her! she's so nice and sturdy to carry. Babies are so cute

Celebrated nye at butter fact, it was lovely with the fireworks being so close!! 
The guys suited up for the event. Him looking so suave in his bow tie we bought together hehe.

 I cannot un=see the resemblance anymore. Mario looks like Hamburglar.That orange hair and that mask

Omg look at the above pic then look at this. Have?

Really happy she was around that night if not it would have been slightly awkward for me. Because there were soooo many people at the table and I don't really talk to them.I joined Rachel for a while since she was at Over easy with her friends! 

You've probably seen her in my previous posts! This is Xueting!! She was already a butter regular when I was working, but we weren't friends before that. I've been hanging out with her more recently, and I like her because I feel the most comfortable with her. Like she doesn't act nice, act tight with people she doesnt know, and por people lor. Just simple and straightforward. And she's also very funny hahaha. 

With my cutie pie

~~* BLISS*~~

He looks so happy haha

On thursday I went over his workplace to surprise him with his favourite fast food!! Carls Junior! 
And on friday I set my alarm at 12. Went to the super market to get all the ingredients, assembled the sandwich, and sent him sandwich for lunch! I already put 5 slices of ham inside plus a whole chicken thigh, he still want more ham. Lol. so much meat! I should just put 500g of ham inside next time. 

There's a stationary shop beside his office which I usually get my stuff from, but I ran out of them so I got it the other day when I went over. He told me not to go buy the pens because he already bought them. But I already bought them too! Haha. 
He got me my favourite pens in so many colours. and a cute popping candy because he wanted to give me these as part of xmas gifts. So sweet. <3

Received a post card yesterday all the way from Berlin from my sister! Super surprised!
She also bought me really nice clothes. I love her!! 

 Spent some time together yesterday., Finally got to eat my Prosperity meal which I was craving for the entire Saturday. So yummmmmmmz. 

After that we went to play pool and you know what. We we to eat Prata after that.
And after prata guess what.
We went to Fodo Republic at Vivo to watch soccer.
And eat again. Haha. 
It was really nice just spending some time with him alone. 

That's all I have for now! Leaving fo hongkong in 9 days ...Can't wait please.

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