Tuesday, February 4, 2014

CNY Eve + Day One

Woke up at 10am and dragged myself out of bed for school.
I was so tired and contemplated getting an MC so many times.
Finally managed to get myself out of my house, only to see an email sent at 3am that my professor strained his muscle and can't make it for class that day. Grr.
On a lighter note, CNY came early!!

Wemt to do some last minute shopping because I was looking for a pair of shoes and hopefully something to wear because I didn't mnage to buy any clothes this year :(
I haven't been buying clothes for the longest time already man. 

The most beautiful waste of money.. wanted to get some baby breath but it was $10 for a STALK.

Nearly got this plait dress but i didn't really like the side zipper and the dress was SO TIGH. I wasn't even wearing a bra in this picture and my boobs were totally suffocated already Felt so happy lol, because for once in my life I can experience a " big boob" problem. Wahaha. I usually curl my hair when I'm out so my hair ends up about chest area..I had no idea my hair is this long when it's straight. 

Went for Reunion dinner later that day. I love steamboat but I'm also a picky eater. I only eat scallops, tofu, mushrooms, yam, fish and prawns lol. A steamboat with hot dog, fish ball and crabstick is totally not my thing.
Just look at how plump and juicy the scallops are. * drools*

The best part about reunion dinner in my family is that we always have other cooked food on the table that's why I have no complaints!! 
 Steamed pomfret, duck, ngoh hiang, fried meatball. 

Also popped a champagne for this joyous occasion.

That's all for cny eve! A very simple affair with the family.
Cny day one, I got greeted by Tammy cake. She's so cute... Let me try to get a picture of her wearing a tiara. She's the gentlest and most timid of dogs I know. I love it. 
Also because of her, I am officially not afraid  of any dogs anymore.
I went to Hanwei's house to bai nian and her 3 dogs were jumping on me like mad and I'm not scared anymore! I usually will scream and threaten to unfriend Hanwei if she lets them near me.

Qu bai nian lo!

My sister was super annoying trying to hide behind my aunt so she won't look too fat.It runs in the family. You'll see what I mean later.

Tilting our bodies to the slimmest angle.

 I have to hold on to their arm to cover it -.-

My ootd!!

 Runs in the family..
 Camwhoring with sissycake.

With le cousin. He is damn gong now I think almost twice the size of me so scary. This one change girlfriend like tissue paper.

With another cousin.. who is a year younger than me but I reckon he's already ready for marriage. 
His girlfriend is totally a part of our family already. So much so that everyone expects her to be present on the first day of CNY. She even follows my cousin to his relatives house for CNY.
Omg. I can never imagine myself to be blessed with that kind of fortune, honestly. Not even 10 years down the road. 

My favourite !!

 Jayle curled her hair that day, so kewt.

This is their older brother.. I know they do not look alike at all lol.

Having my ootd taken again

Jayle actually looks like my mom omg

 Yearly " HUAT AH!!!" photo.

this was last year's

hope you all had a fruitful cny hehe

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