Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Kuala Lumpur

Hello. I am back!!! Wanted to be away for a while but I have so many pictures piling up! 

I think this was Thursday. 
J surprised me and came to pick me up for a short dinner together. :) He came down all the way from katong to have dinner with me :) I think Alexandra Village is my favourite food centre so far haha. Love the avocado juice there! Every thing was so tasty!! *salivates*

Went to KL over the weekend to celebrate Jerome's birthday, we travelled there by Aeroline. 
It's quite funny because they have the airplane concept. You'll have a " Captain" and a "cabin crew". 

Very spacious and comfy seats

My first coach ride with JJ and 4th trip to malaysia tgt! 

Prepared some sandwich for J to eat on the bus. 

You can watch movies on the bus too... cool. J and I were singing songs together to the songs installed on this device. 

AND THEY SERVE FOOD TOO! Really like an airline sia haha. Except that you don't get " Hi good evening, would you like chicken or fish?" Haha. You are just given a lunch box.
Which is honestly good enough. If you have a weak bladder, you will be thrilled to know that there is a toilet on the bus!!!! There is also a lounge on the lower deck. Really quite cool.

By the time we reached it was about 630pm. The journey took 5hrs. We had our dinner at this place. I don't have the exact address, ( or is the address on the sign board? Sorry i can't read melayu) but its somewhere near KLCC! The malay food there is really good!

My virgin experience eating briyani.. CAN'T BELIEVE I'VE BEEN MISSING OUT ON THIS SHIT FOR 22 YEARS OMG . It's so yummy!! 

Then we went back and got ready to go to Zouk ! 
Eugene wanted a paparazzi shot

And they followed lol, 

We had so many trays of shots that night. I think about 6? 

 All looking really sober at the end of the night? Lol. 

Ok.. Maybe not...

My new friend, Sarah!! 

I was very tired at this point already I think. 
Zouk overall wasn't like mad fun, the music also wasn't sick. But the company was great! 
Also tried Lok lok for the first time in my life. Love it! 

Didn't take any pictures on the 2nd day because we only went shopping! Nothing much to buy also and I wasn't feeling very well. 
Went to get a mani pedi the next day. I chose this pink holographic colour. 
Which only looks like this under sunlight
In other words, it looks like crap most of the time. Meh :(

Went over to J's place when we reached back, his papa and didi came to pick us up. We watched a movie and had dinner at his place. 
His mom is super effort. I was so impressed! Eat at home also must make until so nice!! 

My mom's version for comparison. Lol. It is a rojak. Hahaha!  
No la. My family don't usually sit together to have dinner together so if she was to make it so presentable every time none of us can actually start eating unless everyone is home. Her food  can also be very presentable one ok. 


She was really in this position for 1 minute. Haha. She didn't even twitch. When we were watching wolf of wall street she came over to lean on my leg and used my leg as a cushion! Haha, damn cute. 
Never felt more comfortable with any other doggies. 

Speaking of Wolf of Wall Street, it makes me wonder if really all successful men are lustful, sex addicts, and cheaters? I mean.. ultimately, there is only one thing men care about --- Power. 
Having many girls, tons of money are just things to make them feel powerful no? To prove that they can afford it, to make other people envious? 
This is a really dark world.... sometimes I feel really jaded and worn out. 
There are no explanations to my whys, the only answer is "  It's like that" 
My friend once told me that any guy who is a good guy friend to club with is a bad boyfriend.
It actually makes a lot of sense if you think about it. 

But then again, if a couple is honest to each other, and they value each other. 
I don't think anything should go wrong right?
Trust and be trustworthy. Don't expect trust when you are not truthful right. 
At the end of the day it all voice down to respecting each other la. 

Yesterday marks the 3rd month J and I have been officially together, and we've grown a lot over the months..... I can confidently say that, he is the person who makes me want to believe that there are exceptions in this world.. 

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