Sunday, April 20, 2014

Good Friday

Is it rude to start off the post with a huge picture of my face? Haha. 

I was wating for Josh to come pick me up for movie on Friday so I camwhored a bit hehe. 
He came over to my place in the afternoon to nua together and took a nap.
It was raining too, so it was super nice that he was beside me during this cuddle weather. 
Perfect Friday
He is the best human bolster ever!!! :)

We caught Trasncendence at night.
I like the movie because it was sooooo sweet. So much a man would do or sacrifice for a woman he truly loves. Sigh. It was so touching... 

" You were everything to him" - WAH!!! I don't think i will ever get to hear this in my entire life.

" He build this garden the same reason he created everything - to be together with her" 
Hai... Shows like this paint unrealistic expectations of love. 
I mean, romantic love is love. But unconditional love is another thing altogether.. Not sure if you understand what I'm saying.

 The show was super unrealistic lol but quite interesting . Can't wait to watch The Other Woman? I heard it's really funny and nice! I love chick flicks lol. I can watch bridesmaid and white chicks over and over again. 

Anyway my mom cooked laksa a few days ago!!

So hungry now looking at this

I can't be neat when I study. The messier I am makes me feel like I'm really doing work. 
I usually leave the table this way so I can continue the next day where I left off the night before

But every morning I wake up, my mom will pack thr table and stack my notes properly and close my textbook and rearrange all my notes . 
My reaction when I see the neat pile of notes : 

Anyway went to bowl yesterday at Marina Square hehe. I'm very very very happy he was so enthu about bowling because he knows I want to! Even though he CLAIMS he can't bowl for nuts. So I was expecting him to be really lousy.

Just check out his pose please. 
 What is this mastery level of skill he possesses... He still kept saying he is damn lousy. 
We only played two rounds and for warming up stage he was super good already la. I took a picture of my score but NEH... not gonna show you all because I am too embarrassed.
Ok la.. I got 0, 0, 0, 0, hahahhahaa. Serious. I got two strikes though hehe.
I think I should stop planning all these activities that will make Josh conclude that I'm a very useless person. II always challenge him to games, but he just owns me in everything, I feel so lousy man. I mean it will boost his ego, but it will diminish mine!!! Lol. But.. but.. it's really not because I'm lousy ok, the ball was so heavy the ball kept slipping off my hand and I BROKE MY NAIL OMG. :'( 
I know i sound like a bimbo i'm sorry. I used to be very sporty one ok :(

Oh I always suggest we play pool too, but if you watch me play pool you will also be like that

Maybe Josh has a lot of internal bleeding now haha. He is going to suddenly realise that he has been with a bimbo all along lol. Oh yah he was being a himbo for 5 seconds yesterday.
We were at Winebar talking about easter, and he said he can't drink too much cause he has to wake up for church. His friend said " if you want chocolate I give you la, don't need to go la!"
And Josh replied " Easter eat chocolates one meh? I though eggs?"

HAHAHHA I BURST OUT LAUGHING!! I immediately told him " baby!! The eggs are made of chocolate!" Then he some more can say " Huh I thought real eggs"
His friend replied " You think 满月 ah!" ( there is a chinese tradition where you give out hard boiled eggs when the baby is one month old) This boy is so funny. 

Very happy because he has been trying to spend more time with me alone. :) Love him to bits

Decided to hide behind his face because it's not fair that i get to be the big head all the time haha.

Ok time to hit the books again.
Cant wait for this to be over.
My paper is on Tuesday but till now I'm sooo clueless, and every practice question I attempt only serves to make me more dejected. I'm so upset, I definitely won't be able to graduate :'( Why can't it be like A levels or smth? If I fail one subject but I do well for others I still get my cert right??
I really just want to leave this place so badly.
I probably won't have anything to update anymore because I'll be sleeping all day every day !!
Happy Easter and blessed holidays you all!

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