Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Short update! Monday 21 April 2014

Quick update !!
Only because i have nothing else to blog about and I'm trying to procrastinate my studies..
the pictures are really of shit quality i'm sorry haha

Went to find J at work on Monday so that we could have lunch together!!
When I reached his office he surprised me with this " goodie bag" !!

Bunny hair band he koped from Butter last Saturday when I wasn't there. He took it for me because i like all these hair bands haha and i am secretly collecting all these party props so they would come to play next time we throw a party mua haha. 

Anyway he randomly got me my fav hello panda snacks. It's really a sweet gesture, how he was thinking about me , and how he wants to make me happy :) I really appreciate the thought.
This is my 4th set of hello panda biscuits i received from him <3

If you are an avid reader of my blog ( lol) you would have read all these ! I'm very naggy and i like to reminisce happy days.
So this was in January when we first started dating officially.... ( or at least it was that to me) 

I will always remember he picked me up after my tuition and brought me out for dinner. When I opened the door I saw these, and I was super happy!!!!! 

And this was when he came over randomly after work too to surprise me. 
I wrote this in my older post :
"Anyway then we went to get a beer and some chips and he took me for a spin.
So we spent an hour of quality time together.
Really appreciate it !!! <3
You know right... as long as you show me with actions that I do mean something to you, I will love you eternally." 
Can't believe we would actually go for a spin together and drove to a petrol kiosk to get chips and beer.. so cool. 

When I was still interning at his company, I broke my heels on my way to work ( lol) and he got me these from the Japanaese Supermarket below to cheer me up :) 

I can't remember when this was, but I remember he almost didn't allow me to bring them home because he was afraid my mom would ask why does he only buys me $1 biscuits. LOL. Silly boy. 
I really really appreciate his thoughts and effort in wanting to see me smile. Isn't that what love is about? To constantly want to make your other half happy? 
Hey, anyway I also always buy him a lot of things to cheer him up when he is unhappy ok.
The effort is mutual one. I just don't blog to claim credit for myself only k.
But i think i should because his memory is so bad he probably forgets the small things i do for him. 
I should remind him everyday lol.

Anyway. We had Astons for Lunch because the boy was craving for steak. 
He had the new york strip. ( He later confessed to me that his main purpose to go Astons is for the fries  -.-) 

And my black pepper fish which i didn't really like.... should have ordered the salmon or chicken instead. All our sides are potatoes, we potato freaks

Actually i'm not really a pan seared white fish kind of person. So maybe i'm biased. Like I don't like pan seared dory or cod?? But i am always so tempted to order them. I remember I had this small cod fish at Joel Rubochon for $50 and it was just so average. Ok I 
hereby promise myself not to order pan seared white fish outside anymore unless i am eating in a chinese restaurant..

Having my final paper tomorrow. Counting on divine intervention to help me pass. I just need a pass PLEASE. 
I don't want to do this anymore T_T

Bye!!! It's midweek tomorrow already!

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