Thursday, June 26, 2014

Some nights,

Old memories revisit me.
When I'm lying alone at night, they haunt me, like ghosts in my bed. 
A flash back, an accidental discovery, a reminder.
They send chills down your spine and before you know it,  your body is enveloped in goosebumps. 
Your body is frozen, your limbs feel cold. This is when the excruciating pain hits your heart, to remind you that you're still alive. 
Pain demands to be felt as John Green says. 
And I am unfortunately, one of its favourite person to visit.

At times like this, I'll always remember the one thing I was taught which will stay with me a long time.. 
To close my eyes and pray the sincerest I can. 
Please grant me the strength to battle off the devils in my head. 

Mistakes only happen again when you don't learn from them the first time. 
This applies to everything and everyone. 

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