Friday, May 27, 2011

I think it's strange that guys have blogs/formsprings. They are just really girly stuff to have, in my opinion. But having that said, I think it's cool that they have it too. I was reading my friend's ex's blog, ( oi oi oi, I'm not interested in him pls don't get the wrong idea. I was just being err... nosy.)  and I was like????????? Do guys really blog about how much they love their girlfriends like girls do for their boyfriends? Apparently yes, in his case. So strange, I just find this whole concept puzzling. Like guys blogging about what they did  with their girlfriends that day etc. But of course, it's nice to read if you're the girlfriend right. #justsaying

Another random thought. I think I've put on a bit of weight ( again ). My appetite has been pretty good I would say. And I only have my friends and mommy to thank. Like their efforts finally paid off. For buying me food all the time / packing food for me. I feel like I'm not gaining fats. I'm gaining love. HAHAHA. Well, I hope I don't put on a pair of shorts tomorrow and find that it's too tight for me, because that would really FML.

I still can't digest the thought of work at 10am. Feeling damn sick about it. 10am T_T WHYYY.
Zouk tmr. Yes/ no?

By the way Mel is totally enjoying herself immensely at Seoul, I am Seoul JEALOUS!
Come back soon bb

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