Thursday, August 25, 2011

ALOHA~~~ ! 
Hi. Haha, I really want to thank you for reading my blog. It's so funny because I don't blog properly. I read other peoples blog, and they have their punctuations all nicely placed, they use a wide range of vocabulary, they do not update about frivolous stuff or rant ( ok some do ) , and it seems like they have a group of audience they are "talking" to, and they post really nicely, like in paragraphs, and they all flow so smoothly....they really cross their t's and dot their i's.

But mine is just like a journal, and I like it this way. I mean I want to blog nicely too.... instead of my lah leh lor lol shit kind of language, but I just can't get down to doing it. Or rather, I don't really have the skills to do so. Trying to act all cool and giving the i-like-my-style excuse now because I always blog about what I do which seriously no one gives two shit about lol. 

But still, it's for me, like I've said it's a journal~~
Mommy cooked this a few days ago. Came home to a hot and piping bowl of Bah Kut Teh after with my favourite onion omelette. GAHH. I wiped everything off while watching TV!! I love eating in front of the television. Hahaha.
 Anyway, while bbming Charmaine I suddenly received like damn a lot of notifications.
 She says she has never reblogged someone so much before. HAHHAHAH. So honoured. I love Charmaine. We share a very queer relationship. We've never worked together, never gone out together, but we used to talk on the phone a lot, but because we are both very busy now, we mainly just BBM. It's strange because we are not close but we are close. We know a lot about each other, and if I say nobody knows how I feel, and if Charmaine says she does, I'll believe her. We really are veryyyyyyyy similar when we are upset. I don't know if that's a good thing or not.

Ok.... I promised to read up on Management Accounting by today, but it's already 11.15pm and I haven't played Tetris the entire day, so yar. Tetris it is! Hahhaa. Last day of the week people! Hang in there!

OH. AND CY JUST CALLED ME. Y_Y He's booking out tmr. WHYYYY. He's booking out tomorrow. Of course I'm happy but I already made plans. I'm going to play mahjong with my friends! Sigh..... Life. :[

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