Tuesday, August 9, 2011


So Cy got a day off thanks to National Day and I stayed over.
We were watching Forgetting Sarah Marshall yesterday, and there was this scene where Jason Segger was hugging this HUGEEEE bowl of cereal for breakfast, not kidding. HUGE:
12 Best Foods to Eat While Stoned: Food Pairing for the Modern Sophisticate - Seattle Restaurants and Dining - Voracious
So I was telling Cy woah it looks damn good, and he said we'll do the same for breakfast tmr! HEHE ^^
So we went down to get Honey Goldflakes and Strawberry milk. 

Anyway yah, so I took a kitten's nap while he played his game, and when I woke up we went to Holland V!
I've been wanting to eat it with Cy for the longest time because I've been wanting to erm, paste our picture on the wall. LOL!! But we didn't take picture today durhh because I don't dare to ask him to take picture with me, I usually get rejected lol, unless I bug him like mad.
Also, I insisted on going today because Yanling was working hehehehehe. I swear I saw her beam when she saw me LOL!!! HAHAHHAHA.

So here's what we had! Waffle with a scoop of Reverso and a scoop of Apple Pie. It was... soooooooo good. Even Cy who seldom eats such things was giving the yumyum face lol. Ok he just called me from camp to say he very "gian" the waffle. To be honest, I think the waffle is ~~meh~~ It's not made on the spot, they just oven heat it and it's not nice? Like no waffle taste unlike Gelare, you can smell it from 50m away~~~ But if you eat it together with the ice cream it's reallly damn good damn good.
2 thumbs and 2 toes up. We are so going back next week!
 Hugging my 4months pregnant tummy, ( thank god I was wearing a loose dress , but seriously can't help checking my chubby arms out every time I spot my reflection lol *pulls hair* ) we walked around Holland and finally decided on Sushi Tei for dinner. I made him a book last time and there's a page titled " Reasons why I love you" HAHA CLICHE~~ But anyway one of them was that he will NEVER fail to order Chawanmushi for me, even though I never say I want *_* , another reason was that he would eat the sashimi off my sashimi salad. I like the Wafu dressing but I HAAAAAAATE SASHIMI. I HATE RAW FOOD. And it's perfect because Cy loves Sashimi ~_~
 Home and went to get supper with mimicakes !! MAXWELL PORRIDGE. It's really so nice, like the picture totally doesn't do justice to it. And the fried tofu at the side? It's damn good. It doesn't taste as soft and silky today though. But overall it's still nice! I love tofu and the sauce !! Really feel so happy. Cy's mom cooks really good fried tofu too!  Yesterday she cooked bah kut teh! WAH I've seriously been eating a lot? I really don't want to go back to school and have everyone telling me that I look different, but ohh actually it's just that I gained weight -..- SUI BIAN.

 I hope I didn't make you hungry ! Working with Kelly tomorrow, can I safely say I've been kept pretty happy this week?

Oh oh, on top of that mommy finally bought me a thermos flask that can contain soup hahahahhahaha she's so nice

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