Friday, September 30, 2011

More baking

Hello! Thursday was fine for me. Went to school for my interview which only lasted for 2mins. It was horrid. My fingers, my stomach, my lips, my voice were all trembling. So disgusting I hate SMU.
Wanted to cancel tuition today again, but my dried up wallet effortlessly reminded me to get my lazy ass out of the house. And i didn't regret it all because my tutee cooked pancakes for me, she left it on the table where my seat was before i arrived, like she was eagerly waiting for me yknw? So cuteee. :')

She's an angmoh by the way, and her math is atrocious. I love teaching her Chinese because it's so damn funny to hear her speak, and I usually slack when she's doing English. So I went to the toilet after teaching her the first few questions. And when I came back, I saw this. Look at the bonus question. I burst out laughing. She's sooo cute.

Came home after which and got ready to meet my dolls for a surprise for my bestie, Ng Sijia.
I baked her a pink gradient cake yesterday too!
Prepared the batter half way only to realise I forgot to take pictures, so here I only have two filled bowls 

Didn't want to trim and even off the cake because it's such a waste, so the cake ended up looking like that :( . Sijia was like, " You baked one ah?" And I told her " You tell me where you can buy such an ugly cake" Haha. Well... #triedmybest
Topped it up with more frosting and turquoise m&ms

Took these pictures on my phone from Xinyi's camera. ( I need a camera for myself so bad I swear T_T ) This was after Sijia has cut the cake. The inside: ( I shouldn't have added the layer of oreo in between T_T ) The colour is damn nice I swear, I'm not self praising , really very nice.... I was so upset I couldn't bring the pen out, because it's coincidentally my Sister's birthday too!!

Yupp! We celebrated her birthday early because most of the girls have work on Saturday ( Yes! She's a Childrens' Day baby so cute ) and I HAVE EXAM ON THAT DAY LIKE 2-4PM WHATFUG? Bu san bu si literally. I am so glad I squeezed time out to meet them. We were all so tired, I woke up at 6am, and the rest didn't have much sleep either, but we all met still. They have all knocked out now, and Rachel even fell asleep on the bus that she nearly slided off the seat when the bus turned. I love them so much. Goodnight all. Cheeyang is booking out tomorrow. YESSAH

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