Friday, October 14, 2011


Ohh, someone just called me pathetic. Like wow. Like calling someone pathetic when they are having a rough period of their life for the mere sake of gaining self pleasure..? I'm not sure who is more pathetic. Haha, I surely did not write about my emotions for the sake of being called pathetic. But surely, I wouldn't stop whining just because of that. I love to whine. I seriously believe it's some sort of therapy, even though it makes me sadder sometimes. But mostly, I feel much better after ranting it all out. You know how it's always nice to have someone to talk to? We often choose not to because we don't want to burden others.... or how others will have nothing but the same thing to say to us. Every time I talk to someone, we both just end up getting depressed together and conclude that this is life and we just have to suck it up. Well, at least you know you're not alone! I was pretty upset just now, and Felicia's Whatsapp came just in time. I love this woman. She knows me inside out. I started pouring my heart out to her and I began crying on the bus... and my phone died. What luck. Ok right, that surely sounds pathetic ( but I still don't think that gives anyone the right to call me that btw )  but that's life..... Hahahaha... Anyway thank you if you've been patiently reading and putting up with my ceaseless complaints. It really mean a lot to me guyssss. *_* Oh, btw does anyone know where I can get those malt candy hard sweets with sour plums? I think that's the perfect de stress thing at the moment. Been craving madly for it. TWG macarons too. I really hated macarons so much but Rachel changed my life. Haha, I've also been eating so much comfort food even my horoscope says not to over do it omg. I've been snacking on M&Ms like free. Not a huge fan of chocolates but let's just say that's the best comfort you can get at 2am without lighting up the stove or calling for delivery. Really miss being cheered up by cakes at my doorstep.. Sigh times are different now. I really feel so different as a person. I absolutely would not stand for the idea of current over future happiness last time. K , there would be no stop if I keep back tracking. This all shall pass.

There is nothing I sincerely want more than a person whom I can trust.

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