Sunday, October 9, 2011


Woke up excitedly at 7am on Sat for Cy's POP! 

Haha okay, I changed into another dress because I didn't know what to wear lol. 


 Motherly love. Mama Ang so happy!

 Went back to his place to nap, woke up and his mom prepared food for us hehe, so blissful
 And the pasta is damn niceee. Cy ate like 3 plates of it :O
Who puts so much efforts to prepare for like these at home!!! Inside the cup still got ice!

Then we napped again lol , woke up and we went to Chompz!!!

 colourful tauhuay (not naise )
 Now you know why they click.
 He is the most normal of all, hehe. 
Headed to Cine after Chompz, and we caught Insidious at Chambers. I was honestly freaked out I swear. Felt damn uncomfortable after watching it, but thank god we caught real steel at 3.30am!! Felt so relieved after that. It was so nicee omg! PLEASE WATCH IT. Best movie of the year , hahhaha. So many touching parts, I kept crying. I think I've been crying a lot over very lame stuff like the Disneyland video in my previous post. Lol. And I've been eating a lot also omg, after Cy's mom's food, we went chompz, then we had popcorn while watching Insidious and Nachos while watching Real Steel. god bless me fat ass. K bye~~ My recess week has come to an end. whatfuggggg u_u

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