Monday, April 22, 2013

Omg.. I am seriously living the life.
Need to stop behaving like my exams are over.
Woke up this morning and cooked breakfast, painted my nals, had dinner, took a nap..
There's still a paper tomorrow!!!
Super worried now because the group chat people can't stop talking about how " omg i haven't even started on a chapter and there is so much to study!"
HAHA SUI BIAN. Bet you study the whole book already please.

I'm also starting my internship next week. How sick is that??
I can't procrastinate anymore because it's my last summer, and everyone seems to be very shock to find out that I haven't done my intern. Owells.
Feeling a teeny weeny bit excited for intern because that means I can eat Obolo macarons anytime *flies*
K, I'm damn tired now, been seriously sleep deprived recently. Talk to you all tmr!!

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