Friday, May 17, 2013


Hello. I'm still alive!!!
On my non working days I like to make myself some food!
Pasta salad on the right with some jap salad dressing was so nice! Mamacake likes it!
Made potato pasta salad the other day and mamacake likes it too.
Seems like I'm starting to be the one cooking for my mom.
I make her breakfast every morning if I'm cooking too.

 Internship life has been so far so good.
It's really a dream internship already. But still so reluctant to do it because i dont know why the school has to make it compulsory sigh pie. 
So dinners are my favourite part of internship. ^_^
Should explore the katong area more while I'm there. 
 My cousin held his 21st bday party last week.
It's nautical themed because he's in the navy.
Hahah quite cute hor. 
 Hahaha look at Jayve wearing the sailor uniform. So irritatingly cute..!!
 This was the highlight of my night!
Meet Valentina!! Anyway I'm sure you all already know who she is based on her popularity but she's my friend now! Kekeke, bitches be jealous. Hahah I'm kidding.
The way we got to know each other was quite funny~
Never imagined we would become friends.
We started following each other on Instagram, then we started talking a bit on it. And I finally saw her for the first time when she came to Butter when I was still working! 
This is our first picture together hehehe. So happy. We gossiped talked to each other the entire night.
Hehe. Love talking to her. Can feel the connection immediately.

Don't have much pictures because I went down to the party quite late!! And half the time I was talking to Valentina and the other half I was doing my intern work!
Actually also not say I'll have pictures since I don't know anyone there haha. 

Really want to go to a cold country so badly so i can wear my furry coat ( it's white but i think it's becoming yellow because it's been in the cupboard for way too long :/ ) and high boots!!
Also attempted to bake quiche and luncheon meat toast cups on two separate days. 

And a wind-in-my-hair shot to end the post HAHA . My hair is so straight i really dislike it. 
Even when I curl my hair, the curls disappear even before I leave my house.
And this is seriously pissing off because i can spend 1hr on my hair and it wont even last till before i step out of the house. Once 
Damn sian. I was telling sijia that I havent changed my hair style since she met me which was 3 years ago.
The day I cut my hair would be the day i got a lot of " da ji " . 
Hope that day never comes :'( 

Quite happy with life now. :)
Went through my twitter ( love reading through my twitter because it's full of quotes and it enlightens me every time ) and wow, I've been single for 269 days. time flies!!
Omg. It's really blink of an eye lor. 
Damn disgusting. I don't want to grow old T_T

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