Sunday, December 1, 2013

Hanwei's 22nd!

I had a super awesome weekend. 
Friday was Hanwei's birthday eve! 
Went a little overboard with the sushi for Hanwei's birthday!
We had sushi instead of the usual pizza because Hanwei doesn't eat pizza. I mean? How can anyone not like pizza! But not complaining because I like sushi too!

Birthday girl with her strawberry souffle cake that is apparently super hard to order because it is always out of stock. Thankfully Hanwei's sister's boyfriend's sister (what a mouthful lol ) works there and so we managed to secure the cake!
It is really sooooo good. It tastes like a light cheesecake! Think strawberry shortcake + japanese cheesecake. The combi is divine and melts in your mouth !! I want this for my b'day cake next year haha. kidding, I hate birthdays.

Took the opportunity to camwhore once Emelia and Hanwei left the room HAHA.
She was wearing Tshirt and jeans as usual. I felt so overdressed.

Le birthday girl. She said we were like a couple because we were dressed in couple wear.It does look abut like it in this photo. Hehe. I love her so much!! 
I knew her since I was 13, and I will never forget how she rejected being my friend ?! And when we were grouped together, she threw this really black face and told this common friend of ours that she doesn't want to be in the same group as me. WHAT THE HELL.
Look how tight we are now!
I quarrel the most with her, but I can safely say she is someone I can count on for life. Like we would never ever drift....She is my best best bestest friend. ^_^
Like on my birthday she is the only person that bought me cake, flower, and a present.
I just made myself sound so pathetic to compliment her, haha but it's the truth.
So for her birthday, she wants me to get her gold, which I think is pretty legit since she's my golden friend (:

Her being awkward. The line she said was " Am I fat? " Then she kept pulling her shirt away from her body crazy girl

I was also very happy because my friend,  joined us at the party! 
He insisted on getting the pasta from Bella Pizza for Hanwei when I told him we couldn't get a reservation at Valentino's and Hanwei really likes pasta from those two places. 
So sweet. :) 
I really like how he cares about my friends too!!
Like he doesn't mind hanging out with them. I really like that part about him!
So we had pizza and pasta on top of the truckload of sushi. 

We played Taboo and charades , and circle of death ( love how everyone was so spontaneous, even hanwei's sister who can't drink for nuts, was totally participative I love it!! ) The circle of death game killed me, I was left puking into plastic bags at the end of the party. Haha. J got the last king and he had to drink the disgusting mixture from the King's cup yucks. In the end we went to zouk already quite high!

We joined his friends who were at Velvet.
This is Angelynn. I met her a few times but we don't usually talk, but I think she was damn high so she became really warm and actually I quite like her.
She hid behind me because she said I'm skinnier need to block her.
So this is my no-please-dont-do-this-to-me-i-dont-want face, or simpler, this is my mian qiang face lol . Met her sister that night too, and they are so friendly. I really am damn social now I swear. I'm a changed person

I had a great night!! We went to mink after and only went home at like 530am omg. Totally K.O on my bed. Was drinking from 8pm-5am omg.

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