Monday, December 16, 2013

My week

A full post on my week! 
I'm really a very boring person so even tho this post is about my entire week there really isn't anything much. Haha. 

So on Wednesday, I got awaken by a phone call from J who told me to go back to sleep upon hearing my sleeping voice. Out of curiosity I asked him what's up and he said he thought we could meet for lunch since he had some free time. AN OPPORTUNITY TO MEET!? *_*  I opened my eyes immediately and told him I'll go get changed and brush my teeth now.
Always so enthu spider and eager to see him. Hehe. 
Am I too easy? Should i play hard to get sometimes ? haha lol just kidding la. Don't understand people who like to play games and make things so complicated.
If i have to act like i don't like you for you to like me more then sorryz please go and find someone who doesn't like you. So tiring for what. Don't understand these people.

He brought me to Zion Road food centre! We shared a big plate of char kuay teow from that famous store since i just woke up and couldn't eat much anyway. 
The best part is that. we were already meeting later on that night !! It didn't even occur to me that since we were meeting later then maybe i should just go back to sleep now. Hahaha. But really just wanted to spend some time with him even if he only had 30mins. which became like 5 mins because he was busy settling some work stuff on the phone. Pfft. 
 I really hope this feeling won't ever disappear. I still want to put in effort to dress up when we meet, hope he still cracks jokes to make me laugh and we'll still cherish every opportunity of meeting instead of just treating the person like shit after a while. 

Later at night, he came after work to pick me up, and we went to walk around the Pasar Malam near his placee!! Also had the mushroom and cheese prata at an Indian stall which I thought was pretty yummy!!! Would totally go back for it. Sometimes really dislike staying over because I don't want to leave the next day. #overlyattached

Thursday. Met up with Charmaine and caught up over dinner. We went to Ambush pasta and sausage bar at Taka instead of the one at Plaza Singapura because it was more convenient for us! I wanted to have dinner there because I've heard so many good reviews about it. But it honestly not very WOW or anything. Just value for money pasta if you are around the area!! Anyway while waiting for her, I came across a waffle shop and I was so happy because it's a franchise of the waffle shop at Platinum food court at Bangkok if you know what I'm talking about!! Tastes exactly the same too!!

Our dinner only came up to $25 with two drinks. Cheap right. I had the scallops with roe in cream sauce. It was like $11.90? And they were so generous with the scallops *slurps*!! Super worth it. Don't mind eating this again. I love scallops. Just went to go into JB to eat the BBQ one now. omg. The rosti was also very crispy and fragrant. If you are looking for a quick and relatively cheap place for western food then you can try it. But nothing spectacular though.

On Friday I stayed home to make sushi for dinner at around 7pm while everyone was at sentosa having the time of their lives. Let me just admit that I was lonely. 

I then proceeded to open a bottle of white wine at 10pm and finished 3/4 of it by myself. 
Went to my bed to rest and I love it when hanwei calls 
*sings: I love it when you call~ I love it when you call~~*

So happy. Emelia and Hanwei will always come accompany me when I'm lonely. (And when they are bored hahaha. ) But I really enjoy hanging out with them because I can laugh until I cry when we hang out together. Hahaha. :)

We went to food republic to get supper and I ordered the fried prawn noodles which was quite shiok

Then we went to play mahjong. And my luck in mahjong isn't really very good. 
So after that Hanwei got lazy to arrange and stack the tiles she suggested we just shuffle the tiles and pick whichever one we want when it comes to our turn.
Sounds like a good idea la. 
I really don't have much to boast about my life but God! My sixth sense or gut feeling is really super accurate. Since young when we have to play games that involve guessing, my cousins and sisters all will ask me to help them with that round. I'm also quite good at mastermind. Anyway.. I started winning and getting really good tiles after playing this way. I couldn't stop gloating I think they wanted to slap me haha . Shiok.
Just look at my tiles. I play pong pong, I have two animal tais, and can pong the bai ban, and gang twice omg. DAMN SHIOK. 

But we never play money. HAHAHAHHA

Went to Butter on Saturday. 
J and I were both abit hungry so we went over to Over Easy to eat something!!
They have 20% after 12am la super wasted we went there at 1130 but I was really very hungry so I didn't want to wait. Anyway we had the to-die-for burger. I'm currently having a burger craze now I kind of want to do a burger hunt haha.
Their fries are quite good. but they taste like they have been over fried you know what i mean. Like you can't taste the potato inside. But the batter for the fries was awesome and the burger was so yummy! but it could be because I was really quite hungry so I overrated it. Oh yah. I was a bit disturbed because there were bone bits or tendons in the patty. It's damn gross. This was about $23 after taxes. But if you are a butter member you get 10% discount or if you order this after 12am you get 20% discount!! Super worth it!!!

Remember I went JB to party a few weeks ago. The guy from JB came over and opened a table this time and he opened so much i was in shock. It's ok if he just orders what he wants and OTOT drink you know. BUT HE JUST KEPT FORCING ME TO DRINK OMG.
I must confess that on Friday when I drank the bottle of wine by myself, I threw up later in the night so I felt terrible and didn't want to stomach too much alcohol on Saturday.

There was a 3L Belvedere, a bottle of patron xo cafe, 1.5 bottles of jaggermeister, 1 bottle of maccallan, and so much more omg... so crazy

Hehe, he's so cute. Doing jagerbomb dominoes. :) I just had to take a pic of him doding this because he looks so happy to be doing it :)

Anyway I was kinda bored initially, because I pnly know J and the guy from Jb, Yeu shuain, there. So while using instagram, I saw VALENTINACHUA location tagged at THE BUTTER FACTORY! AHMYGAD!!!
I texted her immediately and she said we can take a picture together!
So I rushed out to look for her. This is our 2nd time talking to each other only but really feels like I've known her for a really long time.

Our first picture together that night! She's so cute I just realised that she and her boyfriend were both wearing Leopard prints . haha so couple-ish. I actually know her boyfriend too because we were in the same primary school. Funny that J knows him too because they were neighbours and they went to the same secondary school. And then Valentina met him in Laselle. It's like all of us met him in different stage of his life. Singapore is really small.

The pictures below are from her camera. The colours are so nice I love it!! She's so small

Then i intro-ed my friendly friends to her. Haha, they are really like the friendlest people ever. I am so happy I got to know them. :) Even my sister is now friends with them. Lol. 
This is koala Mario ! She's really so cute, Every time when we are going to a club I always ask if Mario is going because it is always fun when she's there! She always makes my day. She was supposed to go to another bar before coming to butter, but when I told her I have reached and I was alone, she said then she won't go to to the bar, she'll come and find me straight. So nice :) They say Mario and Jayven look alike. Really?

Haha I think Valentina was trying to take a picture of me which I refused. She has so many pics of her grabbing me because I kept forcing her to drink then make someone else drink my share or me haha

A photo of J and I. He lost weight hor. So sad. :( 
He has been coughing for a while already, I really hope he recovers soon. 
I think we look pretty nice together in this picture ley. He wore this shirt because I casually said I haven't seen him in it for a long time already. <3 
I like him in blue.. :)

Then Alan, eugene, jerome and mario came so the next few pictures are all from Alan's iphone.
 Idk where this mickey hairband appeared from but why do i look so sweaty here. But I swear I wasn't sweating. i don't understand people who sweat when they club. It's so gross!!! They must have been dancing like a vibrator lor omg gross. 

 J and Jerome the little gangster.. 

Alan and Mario. Whole day imagining themselves as models lol

 It was initially quite a boring night which escalated to quite a fun one. 
Joined them at Sonar for a bit and went home to sleep.
Woke up had lunch. And I took a nap after my lunch, and woke up for dinner lol. wanted to continue sleeping after dinner but decided to go buy some icecream to pamper myself. Haha. 
I don't want this pig life style to end.

Mixed feelings about the year ending. I kind of don't want t to end. Feeling a bit fearful what the new beginning may bring. I finally had a good year, I just want it to last as long as possible :(

Omg just found out my friend in uni just got engaged. Like what.... 

Came across 50 ways to love somebody on Though Catalog.  These stood out the most to me.
I think when two people come together, they should learn from each other and grow together.

5. Make their happiness your own.
6. Write them a letter and tell them how much you care.
10. Listen to them.
11. Forgive them.
15. Never stop reminding them how you feel.
19. Be loyal to them.
20. If ever you’re not able to do that, be honest about it.
21. Surprise them with something they love.
22. Be willing to compromise.
24. Do what they love with them.
25. Have unfailing faith in your partnership.
26. Defend them.
30. Tell them why you love them.
36. Admit when you’re wrong.
41. Learn together.
45. Make sure they know that you are always there.
46. Take them out, for no other reason than just for the fact that they deserve it.
47. Make time for romance.
48. Never, ever, ever, ever, ever give up, no matter how much giving up would seem like the easier thing to do.
49. Love unconditionally.

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