Friday, January 24, 2014

Hong Kong Day 3

Updating this space with day 3 of my Hong Kong trip.
This was my favourite day out of the entire trip.. it was super awesome!
We hardcore eat non stop, managed to try everything on my to-eat-list, found the tshirt that I wanted to get Josh since day 1, every thing was going our way. I guess sometimes it's all in the mind. 
Your mood really dictates whether it'll be a good or bad day and how it will affect the others.
This was a super good day for us, we were really in love maximum.
Lol. What ? Next time when I read back at this entry, I'll be so happy!! Just let me be gross a bit. I'm sure you are sick of reading my emo posts. Haha.

So this was day 3!! Josh joined me to meet Hanwei and Emelia!! 
Initially, he wanted to go with Eugene's group, but I'm so happy he came out with me in the end because this turned out to be our favourite day out of the 5 days trip :) 

Camwhoring while waiting for lift. Haha. I told you already, any waiting time is cam whoring time! 

I like this picture!! 

Took a train to Jordan to try Australian Dairy Company!!! 

I was supposed to meet Hanwei at 3pm, but I was late so we changed to 4pm. And I was still late we ot there at 4.08pm and I was greeted by both Emelia and Hanwei's black face. uh oh. 
We were very lucky because josh and I reached just in time when it was our turn. Hanwei and Em were already queueing up because they got here first! 

Every thing was so fast paced inside we felt so pressured while eating!
Apparently if they see you taking your time to eat or taking pictures of the food, or chit chatting there, they will tell you to hurry finish your food and scram. Omg. So scary. 
We really don't dare to waste too much time and ordered as quickly as we could.

We had the steamed milk pudding, hanwei had the egg yolk almond pudding or smth which was kinda yikey. don't order that!!! There wasn't much difference between Australian Dairy and Yeeshun but Em and Josh prefers Yeeshun. I think Hanwei doesn't care lol. 

 We also got a set to try because it is so much more worth it to get a set. 
The previous time I came to hong kong we had macaroni soup every day I thought it was damn gross like how can you put ham is soup? And I really dislike macaroni soup because it is a hospital food.
But when I ate the macaroni here, it was strangely comforting! My heart felt so 温暖~ 
I quite like it ley.
Then I had the legendary scrambled eggs oh my mama. It is truly the best scrambled eggs I've ever had.
I can't recall now what's the taste lol but when I was there I was in love with the eggs. It was just super creamy. 

I had to order another one. Yummz. 

Immediately after that , we went to walk around and saw Tsui Wah! When I did my research for Hong Kong every one says the Pork chop bun here is a must try.Since we didn't get to try it when we were at the airport, we had to have it when we came across the tsui wah here. Haha. But then we realised tsui wah is everywhere. 
 Camwhoring time again because we were waiting for the pork chop bun!!


It was really soooo good. I love it! This had pickle, tomato, lettuce and some thousand island-ish kind of sauce. I prefer this over Yee shun's. 

Then we went to walk around some night market.
Which I bought a my little pony luggage tag and josh bought a painting.
Lol. Our loots seriously last warning. Really nothing to buy ley?

Went to get some brain freezing drink at xu liu shan. I had the mango sago. Which i regretted. There was so much sago ley yucks. Josh and I ended up competing with each other who can shoot the sago further with our mouths.

Emelia got some water melon bird nest drink which was really refreshing. me likey!

Settled for dinner at this Tze char store! 

If you don't know canto nevermind! Just point at the food!! Lol. 

When you see our faces, you know it's.. * drum roll*.. WAITING TIME!! 
While waiting for our food...

 The lala cooked in chilli and black bean sauce was so nice. I've never eaten lala cooked with black beans before, so this was new to me and I liked it! 

First time trying Mantis Shrimp. A cross breed between crab, prawn, cray fish and lobster lol.

One scallop for each of us yum!!! I love eating seafood with garlic. 

This was when I shamelessly whipped out my phone and took a selfie when every one was in the midst of eating haha. 

We walked passed Mak's noodle house on our way to Australia Dairy that afternoon, and I kept telling Josh through out the trip I wanna eat Mak's wanton mee, and even though we were stuffed to the brim, he convinced us all to go and eat one bowl of mak's noodle just so that i get to eat it. I ruv him so much. 

Hanwei and Emelia were also very cooperative and were willing to go to mak's.
Lol in the end, the four of us, order one bowl of wanton mee, take so many pictures. Machiam food connoisseur! And you must know Mak's noodles are served in palm-sized bowls that you eat your rice from. 4 people order one small bowl.. it was quite embarrassing already haha.. but that's not it...

I divided the noodles into 4 portions lol. We used the saucer for chilli as our plates. The servers there were all judging us I swear. Josh slurped the whole thing in one mouth as though he's drinking tea la lol. Some times you become bolder and less afraid to be judged when you are overseas don't you think?
If you google best wan ton mee in hong kong, the search engine will sho you Mak's noodle house! But i found it sorely disappointing.. I had wan ton mee at this normal store the last time I was there and the wanton was so huge and filled with crunchy prawns I love it! :( This just felt like crystal jade's wanton mee to me. #cheatfeelings

Then we went to walk around to find a Super dry store because there's a tshirt i've been wanting to get him for the longest time. I've tried all means and ways  and asked so many people to get the shirt for me but to no avail. We also walked super far before we finally arrived at the Superdry at Nathan Road. We had an unexpected find though. Told you it was a good day!
While walking towards super dry we saw so many people crowding at this store and I could smell it from afar. My nose is super accurate in detecting egglets. The best egglet i've tried is at Union mall in bangkok please go and eat it... it's the best texture, best taste, best smell, best everything!!! BEST PRICE ALSO! 
Anyway I was saying we chanced upon this store that was plastered with newspaper cuttings and photos of celebrities patronizing here!! 

Wating time means? Photo time! Yea you're getting it. 

It is crispy outside and soft inside, it passed the texture test.. but then.. the batter wasn't good enough I feel? It's not sweet enough sadly. 

After that we went to walk around again and came across this super big chocolate store.
Parted with Hanwei and Em because Hanwei loves Chocolate the street wear brand lol.

Then josh and i went to walk around to find a place for massage!! Saw a full length mirror and i told him i had to take an ootd lol because there were no full length mirrors at the hotel.

In case you're wondering what's that long thingy.. that's the painting he bought!

Afte massage, we got Eugene and Alan a cake from Xu liu shan for their birthday because all the other shops were already closed!

On our way back... we saw a pizza store opposite our hotel and we went to buy it despite the amount of food we had previously. It turned out to be so yummmmy!!! We just ate and talked while we walk. He carried our belongings while i fed him pizza as we walk. Even though the weather was getting very breezy and cold, something inside me felt really warm.... Something as simple as sharing a pizza while walking back to the hotel together feels so heart warming. That was my favourite part of the day. :)

Then we went over to surprise them with a cake. Hahaha they don't look very happy that it's their birthday lol. 

After this we went to a rooftop bar to drink and chill.. after that, we went to a 7 eleven and bought $100+ worth of food and drinks ( the beer there only costs $1 per can ermahgad why singapore sell $5)  So we ate like a lot of chips and maggie and mario bought sie mai har gow and lor mai gai HAHA.

And then we played circle of death AGAIN. 
 We had so much fun that Eugene laughed till he teared. 
I honestly prefer spending time this way then clubbing. 
So we ate again la omg... I didn't realise how long the day was until now that I'm typing it out, and I also didn't know that we ate so much yucks. 

Every time i get connected to the hotel's wifi.. my whatsapp never give chance.

 That's all for day 3! 
Thanks for reading!!

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