Saturday, January 25, 2014

Hong Kong Day 4

 So sad because this was our last day in Hong Kong.
I would want to stay in hong kong for a month...but I can't converse in canto :(
Them modeling again~

So happy my eyes were literally ^^ but that mario just had to photo bomp us. She's so annoying ley. 

Sister Mario strikes.

Goofing around with the new specs mario got. The night before we were playing with it.. Eugene tried it on, and mio said he looked like a perv, which i nodded my head profusely.
But when Josh tried the specs, my immediate reaction was " Awww so cute!!!"
The rest of them said " Cheh! BIAS! Eugene then bian tai, joshua then aww so cute"
Haha what? I was speaking the truth even though i admit i am very bias towards him on many occssions haha. That's why he will always have my heart.
 I miss him so much.. 
Yesterday we went to Sonar and I started tearing because he's going to Malaysia. Haha
#overlyattachedgirlfriend. I'm sorry ok? Ever since I met him I started crying a lot. Every time he says something touching to me, tears will just well up in my eyes because I just feel so incredible and undeserving. and just genuinely overjoyed that this person I feel so strongly for, feels the same way about me. Sigh. Love is a weird thing. 

Us chilling at the sports park while waiting for the rest.
Really so chill. Wish we could freeze that moment. Is that how retirement feels like?

I was freezing then and I told Josh how nice it would be if we could have some warm soya milk with fried you tiao.. we walked passed a few stalls the past few days but didn't get to eat them.

Hongkees always have that for breakfast right. 

My mission that day was to try the egg tarts from Hono lulu at Hennessy Road. Omg la?
Best egg tarts in the whole world please?! 
Hehe candid photo of mario accompanying me to buy my egg tart 

Seriously the bestest egg tarts ever. It is so soft... can u just look at it. You can literally slurp the custard part. Yummz. And the crust is so buttery and crumbly I love... So touched I wanna cry... Why can't we have this in Singapore. T_T

I ate this up on the spot, and bought another one straight away damn shiok argh. 
Then when I was done buying....
Josh came back with these.... :') and apologised because they only had cold soya milk.
Silly boy. #Thelittlethings I miss him so much :'(

 We went to causeaway bay again and mario says this is the best best best curry yu dan in hong kong. If you didn't try this you haven't been to hong kong!

Haha it was pretty normal to me though. But very spicy!

We went to Chanel and I fell in love with this bag...... it's so nice *_* 4.8k sgd I think.
My heart..... 

Love this photo I took of him... I didn't even ask him to pose know. He just walked ahead and turned back and stayed in this position. HAHAHHA. He is sooo cuticle!!
He really has a model body. Sorry I'm not sorry for praising him so often. 
Him wearing the scarf I made him. I feel so appreciated. It really looks nice on him :)

Then they went to look at some street wear -.- So Josh and I were just camwhoring again while waiting for them. Josh thinks I look really cute here. Haha I didn't know he likes mongolian girls lol. 

 We went t oeat Tsui Wah again wanna cry..... because we had it everyday . 
This time for dinner! I had some sheng mian on hot plate which looks really appetizing but tasted really mediocre in my opinion.

But they were quite generous with the seafood!! Got scallop somemore!

At night Hanwei and Emelia came over to our hotel to chill whee. Mario and I walked them out later. It was sooo cold!

 Went back to the hotel to nap because our flight was at 7am and we had to leave the hotel at 4am..
Lei si wo. I think we only slept for an hour or so. Me looking like a dead fish while josh looking pretty fresh faced here. He looks so pretty omg. * insecure*

Nice pic of hk taken by him. Miss you Hongkong, we'll be back!

 Catching sun light at the break of dawn together. It was a great trip :)

Just wanna plan for the next trip already. I just need to study well and graduate in april and begin wanderlusting woohoo. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really love ur houndstooth scarf! may I know where did u get it from?