Monday, January 27, 2014


My sister is so cute ... lol at the pun intended part. She's 26 this year I can't believe it... ??
Since when did she become so old?? Haha. 
Can someone introduce her a good boy please. My sister is a very nice lady ~~

Decided to bake on Thursday because I was bored and wanted to eat some corn flake cookies. I bake this every year!

In JC, my classmates used to order these cornflake cookies from me hahahaha confidence boost max.
They are the people that make my JC life bearable. Super miss Sushuen and Inez... :( And the rest too.. we used to meet up for chomp chomp and mahjong..but now we don't even talk anymore so sad.
Those were the days~~ 
Used to be more adventurous too. I would buy fresh pineapples and cook it into a pineapple paste and bake pineapple tarts from scratch. I even baked moon cakes before and my mom gave them to my aunties and uncles. 
Those were the days~~ I'm too lazy to even make a cheesecake or tiramisu now a days.
So sian. I should go attend a macaron bakng class after I grad..
So many things I wanna do.
Gonna take my license , scuba diving license and attend baking classes and travel.
I mean.. if I don't do these after I graduate then when!! I'll never get a chance to already right. 
I really hope I can graduate. *fingers crossed*

Friday was date night for us. He left work earlier to catch a movie with me because it was our 1st monthsary hehe! <3

 dinner together, he was at FEP before that, so I suggested we go to Saveur or The sushi bar. But sushi bar closes at 830?? 
So w went to Saveur I am so happy bcos I have always wanted to try it.. but in the end we were rushing for our movie, and decided to take away and enjoy the food in the cinema instead.
We had the duck confit and pasta!!
Ooo really love the duck confit. The mashed potato was so buttery and smooth and the mushrooms were also sauteed very well! Loved everything about the dish.. I need to go back and eat it again!!

We caught Shadows Recruit. It was such a thrilling show. Pretty good. 

 We went to butter after that. Look at my mabok face.

After that we went to a place called Gaga. Boring.
Went to Sonar after and stayed till 6am omg. I was so tired.
Camwhoring in the toilet with sister mario

Haha her face damn creepy in this picture place. She reminds me of those evil xiao gui 

Oh and btw!! I don't know how to do a reply in my comment box :( if you have left a comment, most likely I'd reply, but I don't think you would be notified, because I can't seem to find the reply button.So you'll have to rmbr which post you commented on and check back ok? 
Or you can ask me on my that way you will know when I've replied!

To the person who asked about my (worn to death ) houndstooth scarf, it's from ASOS. 

So happy J is coming back today. He says i'm not a clingy person, but I have a clingy heart.
HAHA. So true...

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