Sunday, January 12, 2014

Lady M @ One Fullerton

Woke up early to get ready to meet Charmaine.
I'm really happy I've been meeting her a bit more recently, because we usually meet once then don't meet for a year. Even though we don't meet up often, she's a friend who will always have a special place in my heart. 
She's watched me grow and been there for me through all my past relationships, and vice versa. I think I met her when I was 19.. i'm 23 this year, oh my.
Why I say we share a special friendship was the way we related to each other when we have never seen or met each other. There was a common notebook at the place we used to work, and we would scribble down thoughts and feelings anonymously. We clicked instantly when we met. And not forgetting we would always call each other to cry in the middle of the night. Haha, those were the days.

Wore my fav low back maxi out and wanted to be a little cool but i ditched the hat in the end lol.

and went for a bowler hat!!! Lol.. I always wonder how people can bring themselbes to wear hats out because Singapore's weather is so hot and it's just really restricting? But i did it anyway haha

We went to Lady M at One Fullerton. I've been wanting to go there since forever!!!
Charmaine initially wanted to go to the other outlet at Marina Square but I pleaded her to go to the One Fullerton outlet because it is just so chill and I was right!
The outlet here was extremely quiet with only 2 tables taken up. We got a table by the window. It was really nice just sitting there, talking an watching the world go by.

She had the Original Mille crepe ($8.50)  with earl grey tea ($5) , while I had a cheesecake ($7) with latte! ($5) 
Yummmm. I love it! The cheesecake was really nice, and not too sweet. And it doesn't taste like a typical cheesecake ley. Go try it for yourself! Charmaine thinks her mille crepe was a little too soft for her liking and she prefers the mille crepe from this shop at Ion basement, which she says she'll bring me to try another day!! 
I thought both were good though. Bill came up to $30 which i think is kinda ex ley. 

She also bought me stuff from Korea. So sweet.

Was really thankful we met up because I was having a super rough day. ( Still am )
It suddenly occurred to me that everyone is soooo self centred.
It was self centred of me too, for expecting people to be there for me when I need them.
Today opened my eyes to many things. 
And how really, at the end of the day... you only have yourself to rely upom.
For the first time in a long time, I felt like I was losing myself completely.

After tuition, I felt so heavy hearted , I came home at 6pm and I had a bottle of red wine, 1 bottle of moscato, and 3 bottles of hoegarden . Cray. 
I was just crying like big time, damn loud i think my neighbour can hear and I fell asleep on the floor till 930pm. 
No one was at home so I felt perfectly comfortable releasing my sorrows.
Gonna look back and laugh at myself for being such a drama queen, but I'll be proud of how strong a person I've become when I look back. 

 Something has changed within me,
something is not the same.
I'm done with playing by the rules of someone else's game.
Too long I've been afraid of,
Losing love I guess I've lost.
Well if that's love it comes at much too high a cost. 

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