Sunday, March 16, 2014

320 Nitro Below, Fish & Co at Bugis // Group Therapy at Duxton


J was working early, so I decided to wake up at 8am too to accompany him for breakfast and lunch since I have no school on Fridays! 
Lucky me, he came to pick me up so I didn't have to spend an hour traveling to the East even though I was fully prepared to do so. He brought me to try Pu Tien at Parkway Parade, the lor mee there is really not bad!! I always hear people talking about it so happy I finally got to try it! The rest of the dishes there are not very impressive though. Just order the lor mee, spam the chili and go eat somewhere else!! Went to school for a project meeting and tuition after that I was so tired.. but still have energy to camwhore haha. 

The amount of work I have is up to my throat. Stayed home on Friday to clear some of them, and had some happy time by myself watching 2 broke girls and having a bowl of banana nut crunch! :) 

Met up with J on Saturday, he suggested we go back to 320 Below because the both of us have been missing the Christmas Horlicks. WE ARE SUCH FANS. 

We were surprised to see that they have finally changed their signboard! Haha. It's no longer the hand drawn colourful one, but a black signboard with neat white border. Pleased that the interior didn't change !! I quite like how colourful the place is. 

We don't usually order two of the same thing, ( it just doesn't make sense ) so he got the Christmas Horlicks and I had the Tim Tam Toffee. Christmas Horlicks still rule!! 
The next time we are here, we will order one scoop of it each. 
The oreo and honey comb combination taste sooo heavenly! All other flavours can step aside!

My tim tam tof just tasted like cookies and cream. It's a $5.60 cup of cookies and cream, so expensive :(

We quickly took a few pics together before J's elder brother and his fiance came to join us for a mini double date haha. J bought them a cup of christmas horlick too and they also said that it was delicious and not too sweet!! 

He was very shuai that day, sorry I'm not sorry for being semi obsessed over him,. Haha. Have I mentioned before, I love him in blue? 
This picture is so cute.

We caught our first movie at Filmgarde at Bugis Plus! I love trying and discovering new things. 
We caught Need for Speed, and it didn't impress us. I thought the show was kind of lame and the plot was barely there. Wouldn't recommend it!! Can't wait for Captain America ahhhhh. 

We had our dinner at Bugis Junction after the show! Settled on Fish and Co!

Grilled calamari because J was craving it but it disappointed him sorely.Grilled sotong should always have a very burnt smell, I don't know if you know what I mean.. but this wasn't what we were expecting! Regret dish of the night.

New York Fish and Chips which I love. Fish and Co really get their fish and chips done right every time. I love ow tender the meat is, but the batter still remain so crispy!! This was stuffed with parmesean cheese, yum! 

And we ordered a King Prawn too. This was pretty food for $5.90! 

I was so full after that we took a 30 mins walk before we went to get some beer. 


Met up with Angelynn, Andy and J for lunch. 
We wanted to go to Grub but they close at 230pm , so we settled for Group Therapy! 
On our way there, I told J I wasn't very hungry so maybe we could share something. 
But I casually mentioned that maybe I would have the pie there because it looks so nice! 

J ordered it for me even though we initially agreed on only one main! 
I had the beef and cheese pie ( Where's the cheese!?! ) which came with a side of salad and chips. 
The beef was lean, the way I like it, but I found the pie a bit bland. 

Andy and Angelynn only ordered desserts!
This was sooooooooo good. I wish I had ordered this instead haha. It's so yummy, and fluffy!
Nom nom nom. One of the best waffles I've had! 

J had the BLT croissant ith 2 sunny side up and a sausage! This was pretty good!  

Bill came up to nearly $50 for what J and I had. WOAH. Super expensive. This also reminds me why I'm over the brunch hype. 

Andy and Angelynn! Super envy people like her who can go out with minimal make up and still look good! I look like death without makeup lol. 

Just parted with him not long ago but I miss him already. 
Ahh so happy he came to pick me, brought me our with his friends, and even treated me to brunch. Sent me home too. 
I am so spoilt by his love. 
Really thankful for every thing, and it makes me want to be so much better for him. 
This weekend has been great, next week end is gonna be a blast!!

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