Thursday, April 24, 2014

Gelato at Westgate // Thankful.

Met up with J at Westgate yesterday. 
I've been bugging him to bring me to eat this rose gelato because it is SOOO pretty!!  
It think it tasted better than what it actually tastes because he bought it for me... and i was feeling diabetic in my heart already hehe. 

Just look at this art. LOL

The lady who did this for me was very patient and helpful with aiding me to decide which flavours to choose for my "flower" ! I felt bad for ordering this because she took about 10 mins or so to create the flower and there was a long queue. It was 1-for-1 day for their cone ice cream, but J told me to just get the rose gelato since that's what we were there for! 

We had the pistachio and raspberry cheesecake. It's not bad! $5 for two flavours! Wanted to try the strawberry yogurt but it was sold out so sad!
I will go eat it again on their one-for-one day. LOL

Went to walk around and J did a little bit of shopping. 

After that, we caught The Other Woman at JEM. and i really like watching movie at JEM because it's so empty!! We bought the tickets only 30 mins before the movie and still got the best seats. 
The show was quite funny at some parts but not like those I'll keep slapping my lap as I laugh out loud kind of funny. The last part was kinda bad man. The acting and plot and everything. 
Movie overall was ok. Probably rate it 3/5 ! 

 Silly boy felt bad for making me travel all the way down to JEM for movie and plus it was my last day of exams! So he insisted we go do other activities together but i refused because he had work the next day and he was very tired already. So we both decided to have supper near my place, since I wanted to spend more time together with him too!! 

BEST YTF EVER. If you have never tried Soon Li yong tau foo at bukit merah view you are missing out!!!! Been eating it since I was 5! ( and now i'm turning 25 soon.. *shudders*  ) 
We sat in his car boot and talked awhile before I went home. 
Hen sweet!! Makes me feel like the unwillingness to part is not one-sided! 

 Oh oh, I went to walk around Westgate while waiting for J to arrive, and tried on this neoprene peplum top. Yay/ Nay? Can't decide if I should buy it. I mean, * guilty laugh* I almost never wear anything that covers my chest if you realise, but i just love everything about this!!! 

Can't believe summer holidays are here. I don't even have to go to bed at 3am and set my alarm at 9am to wake up to study. I no longer have to go out and telling J i think i'll go back when you go join your friends, cause I need to study. I don't have to feel guilty about going out anymore.
And I won't even have to feel guilty about using Facebook excessively or being online surfing the net about nothing. Now I'm just refreshing pages because I have been to every site i usually go to lol, and I don't even have to remind myself to get back to work in 5 mins and this is the last video i'm going to watch!! THIS FEELS GREAT! I'm experiencing advanced retirement now, the retiree's life is great. I even had the time to go to the gym today.
One of these days i'm just going to a book cafe, order an affogato, and read some Sophie Kinsella.
Life is too sweet at the moment.

 Anyway.. I was trying to find a link that J fb messaged me a while back, and while doing so, I came across out old conversation, I was proposing some ideas we could do for our upcoming dates.

I just saw this and i completely forgot we had this conversation. 
It is always heartwarming to find such things. <3
Today also marks our 4th month of being together. Time flies.
Feels like it was just a few weeks back he appeared at my door step on Xmas Eve to surprise me.
Amongst all the expensive gifts he spoilt me with, was a very very precious card that moved me to tears.
A card of confirmation, affirmation, and acceptance.

Above that, I am more thankful that he sacrificed his single hood for someone as plain as me. 
Thank you so much. 
Love without madness is not love. 

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