Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Food post

Met up with J on Friday, he was super hungry so we went to grab something to eat first.
I've been wanting to bring him to Nanbantei for a while already because I read that they have really good grilled sotong and J loves that! This was sooo good! We waited about 30 minutes for this.
It was so worth it.
One bite into this QQ squid and we were sold. All the grilled sotongs I've tried can now step aside.

All hail Nanbantei. This was delicious! 

J was so happy eating it I could tell he really likes it! 

I thought this was kind of expensive at $18 for a plate of grilled sotong though. But it was sooo good.

We then headed to Wine company at Dempsey for some wine. Wine makes me so sleepy all the time. 
I think I went home and knocked out immediately. Like I didn't even change out of my clothes or remove my makeup. I even woke up realising my contact lens were still in my eyes haha. 

Met up with Emelia and Hanwei on Sunday and we had the super awesome fish soup at Jalan Membina again. Love it. Love hanging out with that because we always have so much to laugh about. 
They are really nice people to hang out with!

Went over to J's place for a movie night yesterday hehe.
I bought a box of huge strawberries and grapes over. 
The strawberries were so red big and juicy. We were just snacking on them while watching Modern Family together. My favourite kind of life style haha. 

 He cooked me his favourite Char mee whlle we were half way into our movie. 
This is my second time watching him cook, and I think a guy who cooks is super hot lol. 
This just looks so inviting. We are damn effort. He purposely took out the coriander from the fridge and put it there just so I could take nice picture of it. hehe. 

After our movie, we went to the prata shop near his place, ( lol non stop eating) we both love the mushroom and cheese prata it is super good. I'm not even a prata person!! You will never see me ordering or raving about prata but this was so good. crispy on the outside and they use mozarella cheese! I really like this. I would even travel an hour down just to meet up wit J to eat this . It's so good!! If you stay around Bukit Gombak station it's this Indian shop called Alif eating house or something. The prata is so nice!! 

He sent me home after which.
It's Tuesday today and I woke up with an inflamed throat and fever. 
What luck. 
Can't wait to get well. 

Also we are trying something new this weekend! 
We are watching Shakespeare in the park! Super excited, hopefully it doesn't rain. 
Looking forward to healthier weekends tgt hehe

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