Thursday, May 1, 2014

Imperial Treasure Peking Duck // Samy's Curry @ Dempsey

On the eve of labour day, J and I had dinner with a group of friends at Paragon's Imperial Treasure Peking Duck. The duck is really so awesome.. but before I get to that..
Because corkage is free of charge, they brought all these wine during dinner, and yep. WE FINISHED ALL 8 BOTTLES !!
This is bringing drinking to a new high man. 
 Anyway, lucky me was down with a fever and was on antibiotics, so I was excused from excessive drinking. Also because J drank a few glasses on my behalf <3

We had pretty good food. Drunken prawns were really fresh. Pics no edit!!!!

And the peking duck! We had 2 of it.. it was delicious... You gotta pre order a day in advance if you wanna have it though!! DON'T SAY I NEVER SHARE! Later you go there and order on the day itself you won't be able to have it!!

Instead of the usual egg crepe wrap, this was a chinese version of tortilla haha. I love tortilla so I really like this, I ate 3 of it omg. I usually don't allow myself to get a 3rd helping because the 3rd is just plain greediness!! It's so yummy!! And there was so much duck left , so I "offered" my services and "sacrificed" myself to eat it .. HAHAHHA. 

But I really shouldn't have eaten it the 3rd time cos I was starved to the brim in the end. It's like I'm full already but i still want to eat. 
I think greediness is a trait I really despise. It's the lack of self discipline and control that irks me. Like... if you have no self control, how different are you from an animal?  What differentiates human beings and animals is the thin line that we have self control and are logical right? Ok I'm sorry.. I digressed. I don't mean greedy people are animals ok.. I'm just saying I think greediness in general is really very flawed. Food wise, it's very mild. But money, lust, fame.. it is an addiction that snowballs, and gets out of hand. It leads to nowhere but a  downward spiral. 

Lol abrupt jump back to the dishes for the night. We had the 3 egg veggie. I always have this every time I have chinese food outside with my family. It's so nice!! 

My 3rd piece of peking duck i was whining about T_T

 They chop up the remaining duck and fry it with the fried rice. The fried rice when eaten with their signature chilli is just sooo good. I love chilli.

We also had two other plates of cod fish prepared in different ways. 
Overall, got duck, got prawn, got fish la. But I paid $100 for the meal ( or a random dinner )  and to me it's just so ouch. T_T

 We went to Butter after ( needless to say) and my dear boy who shielded me from drinks ended up being not sober at all. So I stayed over and took care of him hehehe. 

Labour Day
We brought Tammy out to play today.She was so well behaved. Josh says it is necessary that we bring her out if not she will start believing that she is human. Lol. My friend also told me dogs always think that they are humans? Lol.. seriously?

On our way there with Josiah ( J's brother ) and his girlfriend, Tessa. Haha. Just look at his intense face. So... intense. He was playing his newly bought digimon toy and battling with his girlfriend. Haha. Sometimes it's really nice to be kids again don't you think?

Mad hair on the car because we scrolled down the windows to let Tammy enjoy the breeze haha but she has hiding most of the time because she is afraid of car rides. She is afraid of so many things!!

We went to AMK park / bishan park because there's a place for dogs to run about and it's fenced up so your dogs won't go missing! There were so many cute dogs there.. makes me want one too.

These huskies were so pretty

And Tammy trying her best to mingle around haha

He is so cute. Melts my heart every time.

 Whee the husky came over to make friends

After which, we went home to clean Tammy up and he managed to psycho his family to have Samy's Curry for dinner because I've been saying I want to eat it for the past two weeks already hehehe. 
I am currently on a hunt for the best briyani. It is awesome!

The papadum here is so yummy i think i had 4 haha. It's free flow!! I love papadum! 
 J and his brothers can't take spiciness at all. It's so epic because they were all like red lips and perspiring already, when it wasn't even spicy AT ALL to me. We had so much to eat. 
The fried fish was really good. I thought the briyani rice wash meh though. It could have been more flavourful. I think the rice is free flow too ley lol. Can really eat until you vomit here. 
Had a really satisfying meal with great company :)

Labour day was really simple and sweet. I think I'm really getting old because I appreciate gatherings and doing simple things so much more than a crazy night out and ending drunk.
I'm really old now. 
I'm only 22.. is it too young to feel this way?

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