Thursday, April 3, 2014


So in my previous post I mentioned that J and I met for 5 days straight lol. 
Correction. He dropped by my place last night and brought me out for supper!! 

How is it possible that I still feel excited to see him every time!! 

Super happy please? 

He was having his dinner around 10~ And he came to pick me up right after. And even though I wasn't hungry, I said I wanted to eat too so we could meet. :) 

Decided to be adventurous and tried the mango and peach sundae.. hmm.. it's not like gross, but it's nothing close to nice also. Haha, just stick to the chocolate one!! 
Ohh.. They are going to introduce Mala burger and green curry burger!! Can't wait!! 

Finally took a selfie today!!
I say finally because I used to take a lot more last time? Haha I haven't done so in a while because I've been feeling pretty awful and inadequate lately. Also feel very threatened by the number of pretty girls around, ( surgery or not ) Lol. Furthermore, the only places I go now are clubs, and the girls working there or are there to club are dressed so glamorously to impress every guy and I just feel so out of place, worthless, and invisible. 

I used to take selfies here and there when I have my full make up on la. But recently, every time I wanna take a nice picture, I just feel so demoralized? Like you expect the picture to be nice, if not, passable at least. BUT NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When I look at my phone, I'm just like " EWWW?!" and I'll delete the picture within a split second as though I just downloaded a virus haha. And on worse nights, i will lose all mood to go out and just wanna stay at home because I don't want to go out and hear people say that I'm ugly.  

Anyway, sorry I digressed. Took a selfie today to remind myself to smile more because I was smiling non stop. 
I was really super happy! Smiled non stop to myself till my cheeks were achy. I only had one class today, and even though I had an exam during that class, we were dismissed right after!! The first thing I saw when I checked my phone after the exam, was being notified that J posted a picture of us on his instagram!! I know this probably doesn't mean very much to most people, since it is a taken for granted thing that couples always post things about each other. But he's a very private person so... every time he posts a picture of us it sends me to the moon!!!!! Even though he doesn't caption it with any sweet stuff or anything relatable to me.. but still!


Went for tuition, collected my pay and home!
Last day of school tomorrow. This is so incredible. I really hope it will be the FINAL day in school. 
:( Even though I have a really bad feeling about it.. sigh. 

Anyway, came across this article which I thought was a good read!

The 4 kinds of girls every men date:

1. Youth – the right person you meet at the wrong time
She’s the one you wrote silly love notes to. She’s the girl who made you lose focus at school. Before you met her, school was just boys and balls. But after you met her, she became the reason why you even looked forward to school. She’s the one who made you conscious about your looks. She’s the one that you got nervous going out with, because when most saw you as just a kid, she saw you as her man. She’s the reason why you spent much of your time as a teenager in buses and trains.

She’s the one you liked enough to attempt all your firsts – your first date, your first attempt in holding a girl’s hand, your first kiss. But she is also the first you lose. Not because you didn’t love her but because growing up, you realize that in life, some stay and others go, and that sometimes we don’t just grow up, we also grow apart. Youth – she was your first girlfriend. She was your first heartbreak.

2. Love – the right person you meet at the right time
She’s the pretty girl who randomly caught your eye. She’s the stranger you wanted to find out more about. She’s the one you spend time befriending rather than rushing out for a date. Over time, you see that she’s the reason why things didn’t work out previously. All of a sudden, you realize the past heartbreaks were all worthwhile.

She’s the girl you don’t just send to the doorstep but enter home with hand-in-hand. She’s the girl who plays the Playstation with you at home. She’s the girl who’d rather cuddle with you in the comfy couch watching TV than heading out to the theatres for a movie. She’s the one you’re proud to be seen with in town when she’s all glamorously made up, in heels. But she’s also the one whose beauty goes beyond skin deep that you’re happy to cuddle her in bed, even when she’s bare faced and in baggy PJs.

She’s watched you grow from being the boy who spent hours in the bus/train to being a man behind the wheel. Unlike Youth, Love knows you inside out. Somehow, she understands that you too have your own life. She never gets into a fit when you have to spend time with the boys at the soccer pitch. Somehow, she always knows when you were having a bad day and need a hug. With Love, everything is effortless and natural.

She’s the girl you’re proud to bring home to your parents. She’s caring like your mother, irritating like your sister but loving like no other. You don’t fear the commitment because with Love, everything feels like it was meant to be. For the lucky boy, Love is not just the right girl, but also the one he marries and grows old with. For the average Joe, Love simply is the one that got away.

3. Pleasure – the random person you meet at any time
She’s the girl you met at a party/club/bar. She was your friend’s friend. What first started out as a cheeky moment transformed into something special. She’s the one your friends don’t know you’ve gotten really close to.

She’s the one you admire because she’s the rare girl who’s confident enough to be with you without a status. But little do you realize that maybe she’s the girl who likes you so much, she accepts the lack of status just to be with you. She’s the one who’s always there when you’re looking for some fun. She’s the one who looks you in the eye with a special twinkle in the eye, for only you both know what previously transpired.

You like her but you don’t love her. She’s fun but she’s not the one. They call her No Strings Attached. But you know, Pleasure, really is your dirty little secret.

4. Marriage – the wrong person you meet at the right time
She’s the one you imagine doing your dishes, the one you imagine making your bed every morning. She’s the one whose looks are pleasant enough to have your kids. She is the mini version of your mom, less the nagging and the wrinkles. Ok, just kidding.

Marriage – she’s the confident independent one. She earns her own keep and leads her own life. She’s the one who wakes up strutting down the business district in heels. She isn’t as cute or innocent like Youth. She isn’t as sweet or endearing as Love. Neither is she naughty like Pleasure. You probably didn’t even think you’d fall for a girl like Marriage. But this moment happens to most men, especially working men. You wake up one day and realize that all of a sudden, you’ve lost interest in fun and short-lived pursuits. You’re tired of the chase. You’re tired of hellos that only end up goodbyes. You’re tired of girls trying to squeeze their materialistic buys off you. You realize that at the end of the day, all you really want is someone to be genuinely there for you. Not someone to get frisky with in bed but someone to cuddle to sleep.

By the time you meet Marriage, you recognize meaningful relationships are built on trust, not lust. You look at your beer belly and finally accept the fact that everyone (including you) isn’t always going to be young and fit. You figure out that life isn’t about slogging like a bitch at work, only to down beer at the bar night after night.

Marriage is ultimately the one you spend the rest of your life with, not because she’s hot, not because she’s fun but because she’s what you need. She’s the face you won’t grow sick of over time. She’s the independent woman who engages you intellectually, not just physically. She’s the woman who understands what it means to have had a hard day at work. More importantly, she’s unlike Youth, Love and Pleasure who needed to be pampered all the damn time. She understands that love is more than just roses but that love is about being there for each other. Most importantly, she’s the partner who’s capable enough for you to build your dreams with. Whether it’s raising your kids or maintaining your future home, you know she’s up to it.

For some, Youth, Love, Pleasure and Marriage are one and the same girl. For others, Youth, Love, Pleasure and Marriage may be 4 different girls.

Yet, regardless of whether it’s Youth, Love, Pleasure or Marriage who’s in your life, one thing stays true. That is, respect your girl. Never take her for granted or give her shit, for Erick. S. Gray says, “Whatever you give a woman, she will only make greater. Give her your sperm, she’ll give you a baby. Give her a house, she’ll give you a home. Give her groceries, she’ll give you a meal. Give her a smile, she’ll give you her heart. She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her. So, if you give her any crap, be ready to receive a ton of shit!”

Number 1 will be the girl you will always have a soft spot for.
Number 2 will be the girl you look for in every girl you meet in future.
Number 3 will be the girl thrown at the back of your mind, but you'll let her ruin everything you had with number 2 anyway. 
Number 4 is the wrong person at the right time? That is plain sad ok. Does that mean people will always end up marrying the wrong person??

I think... I may not want to get married anymore. There is so much less resilience in love and marriage these days. I remember watching old channel 8 dramas and people would fight for love even though that means they would be kept in pig cages, and thrown into the sea to drown. 

Lol. Guess it isn't too hard to push the blame to society for moulding us into what we are today.
There are 7 million people in Singapore. Why the hell would you be someone's only one. You have abundant choices, and right at this moment, you are expanding your social circle... chatting with people on Facebook, texting, checking someone out on instagram, getting to know someone better... 
I think it's mainy because we have too many options so it's always okay to just replace someone else with another? Wish I was born in the 70's. 

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