Monday, April 7, 2014

My week

On my way to school the other day I got to witness something small but really heart warming :)
This little ang moh boy was playing with this elderly who was sitting beside him. 
They are not related at all!! 

He saw that the both of them were wearing caps and so he asked for an exchange during the bus ride!


swopping back their caps. It was really so sweet to watch. No communication barriers, no racial prejudice, no age gap. I'm sure that made the old man's day! 

Went to Holland V on Thursday to drink with Hanwei. Hehe. I was dressed like a boy to match her. 
She is really my bff forever. No matter how much i dislike her attitude sometimes or her laziness haha, i know she really loves me a lot too. She is the only one i know that will be there for me (i hope)  if she knew i killed someone.

Selfie timeee

Wen to Butter on Saturday for Butter's anniversary i think they are 7!!

 This mario got soooo drunk  she kena put lipstick she also dont know lol.
I woke up and saw this and i was like what the fuck man. i had a good laugh hahha i said she looks like she bit herself to death here hahahhaa shes so entertaining!!

With Jermine! I don't know how people look so sober even when they are not. And I can never pull a sober face once i have alcohol in my blood. Sad life is sad. 

Last night's group outfit was all black.
Today we met for brunch and the outfit code was all white lol.
Here's the twins show casing their ootd and their new shining Moet crowns. 

Denise was very kind to make a reservation at five and dime for us! 
J and I shared the mentaiko pasta and fish and chips.
Yucks man . This was really smelly, as in fishy smell.. I still ate it because i was hungry ahha. But honestly don't know why people rave about this dish. J didn't like it too..

The fish and chips were sooooooo good! It's super crispy and well fried on the outside but the inside is soo smooth? The texture inside is comparable to that of a steamed fish, i swear!! Then outside is deep fried. WHAT SOCERY?!? 

 The fries were not that kind that i like.. The batter was the same one they used for the fish and chips. but the fries was real potato.. like it's yellow inside not white. and its the texture of potato, not french fries hahah. not sure if u get what i mean.. the fish was really good though. I accidentally dropped one on the floor, I was so sad. Even though J gave me another one I didn't want to take it because i felt so bad for dropping something so delicious and he shouldn't have to sacrifice his share !! 
I would gladly drop the pasta anytime lol.

 She said her tummy has become so big she no longer needs a table to eat HAHAHAHA her tummy is her portable table lol. she's such a joker.

 On our way to play board games!!We were side by side! That's mario standing up, and that's me standing up too taking a picture of her. It felt super cool for a moment. Like the perks of being a wallflower. Ever since J changed his car, I've been given the privilege to stand up and sing songs at 4am and have the wind brush against my cheeks when I'm high . It's really super euphoric. 

We were playing Ugly, Ugly, Ugly and everyone got so aggressive it's so funny. 
Mario chose this game because she says she doesnt want a game that she has to think haha.

she's so epic lol

the whole point is to not be the one who makes humpty dumpty fall. Look at Andrew's intense expression. 

Our forfeit was to drink half a glass of peach tea each time and no one was allowed to go to the toilet!
This place is pretty nice.
Free flow drinks and popcorn at $9 per hour! Definitely a nice place to chill with friends if you guys are looking for something to do to kill time!

Met up with Hanwei and Emelia and had my favourite fish soup at jalan membina hehe. 

It's late! Goodnight~

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