Saturday, April 12, 2014

Thefrontedge // Sauce// Cash Studio

Hello!! So my sister just came home from HK on Monday night and lucky me got to eat my favourite egg tarts from Honolulu Cafe again. Th egg tarts are really the best! 

 Just look at how gooey the custard is.. omg just want to slurp those overflowing custard off the screen now. And see how flaky the crust is? Enough said. I'm going to heat up my 2nd piece of the day now. I love it so much... 

Also helped my friend, Emelia, with a shoot of Sunday!
Doesn't even feel like working when I'm with them. 
Hanwei is super entertaining when she is the photographer. She will say : "1,2,3 " in all sorts of language and beats. 

This denim dungaree is so cute!

Please support : 
A lot of items are oos already, but you can still join the back order!

Been studying outside and getting my overpriced caffeine fix the past few days. 
Lucky me had Hanwei to accompany me to study at Starbucks last night!
Studying alone can be quite productive but SOOO annoying. If I need to go toilet!?!??! 
Oh yah. Emelia came to find us last night while we were studying, and she was so sweet she bought us Sweechoon for supper!! Just because Hanwei was craving for it. Such a darling! 

J had a meeting on Thursday at MBS, so I met him after for an impromptu chill out sesh.
Really love this boy. 
We went to Sauce. Didn't know about the new bundle pricing!
5 bottles - $35
10 bottles- $60 
20 bottles- $100

But it was only the two of us ( because I requested for some alone time to bond lol ) we had 10 bottles, which was more than enough. Usually 2 bottles already stuff me to the brim.. My max is 3 bottles lol.
I feel like a bucket of beer every time i walk because i can hear the gargling sound of the beer in my stomach.

Drinking is not shiok if there is no food lol. Ordered the poutine.. i missed it soo much! Look at the cheese.... yumz. 

Anyway it was a really nice day together.. We were just talking to each other lor. (AND HE WASN'T PLAYING HIS PHONE ) like 100 % attention. Love it. Feels like our first few dates :) 

We went to Shanghai Dolly to meet the rest and then went to Sing K at Cash Studio ! ( I love this plae because it is so cheap and got feel lol. only gripe is the song choosing system isn't very effective and not very updated.)I think if you go on weekdays it's 10$ +++ without alcohol for 3 hours. and they close at 6!

There were 5 of us and we had 4 mics. Pretty cool.
The places i've been to usually only give 2 mics.

Anyway pardon the blur pictures. The lighting was really bad.

Picture Perfect. :)

So cuticle!!!

A wild sober mario appeared

It was a fun night!!!!!!!! Lol. As fun as what a Friday could have been in J's words.
I'm meeting him tonight for dinner I'm so hyped for it.
Been awhile since we planned for dinner in advance! 
Can't wait to see this precious boy later!


Anonymous said...

hello hello! how short would you say the denim dungaree is! I want to buy it but i'm just not too fond of skirt lengths that are too short. i'm 167cm ~~ thanks

Weizhen Teh said...

Hello!! It is stated on the website that it is 34.5" ! But nothing to worry because the straps are functional and you can adjust it to your ideal length :)