Sunday, June 15, 2014

Beer Fest 2014

Hello,  Friday went to a shots bar at clark quay. 
It's $12 for a pair of shots. Apparently they have 500 kinds of shots available!
We had 3 trays that were gone within like 30 mins? 

" What dozen kills you makes you stronger" 
The one with the whipped cream was sooooo yummy!! 

But I think what dozen kill you, kills you after a dozen. lol. 

Hopped over to Fenix after which we had more martell shots... and of course, Butter to mark the last stop of our night, which my bf ALWAYS sends me as his representative to drink. -.- 
Wah i was drinking neat all the way, my liver must have been crying :( 

i don't know how this happened i think he was piggy backing me then i said we should practice for tomorrowland and he asked me to sit on his shoulders lol. At first I was like ?? SIAO NO!  but since he was in the mood to PDA i gladly seized the opportunity and played with him. Hehe so cute. 
I was kinda embarrassed but then also super happy that he is kinda proud of me :) 

Stayed over that day and we had such a good sleep we slept till 3pm! 
His bed is a giant marshmallow !! 
Went to try the world cup burger hehe. 

He had the beef one

while i had the chicken !!!
We both preferred the beef burger! And the drumlets were kinda spicy !!!

He walked me to the train station, but because i forgot to bring my ezlink, he lent me his. 
Awwwww. So sweet!! And because he forgot he needed his ez link, he spent the day cabbing around :/ I felt a bit bad!!

A few weeks ago, Valencia asked if anyone is going for beer fest, and Josh just said we are. Then he saw me giving him the puzzled look, he told me " oh yah sorry i forgot to let you know i already bought tickets for us" AWW. A GUY WHO PLANS?!?! Super extinct already. 
I was so happy !!!! Love it when we have things to look forward to doing. :) It is both our virgin beer fest hehe. 

The guy on the most right is Timothy. He is Joshua's childhood friend. AND SUPER COMICAL. 
We joined his group that night and they were all really nice and easy to get along with!! I had a really enjoyable night :) Or should I say extremely because we only got home at 730am!?!?

We tried so many different kinds of beer!! Although it was super stuffy and warm, we weren't too bothered by it! 

Bumped into Kevin Teo ( left ) and his friends. This was the only time we held a conversation because every other time I see him he is always disturbing me!! 

Also bumped into Nikayla. I need to find a way to smile without having smiley eyes. 

Wefie time with my babycake!! 

This is Eugene, who is also J's friend. He is super duper friendly. 
And not to mention, warm. Haha. 

Some brotherly love.

And he decided he doesn't want to be the bitch and be the man instead. lol. 

J went to the toilet after, and just nice Elson and Valencia were around so they came to accompany me ^^ This pair of couple is like glueeeee. They are together almost every day lor. 

People sea people mountain 

There are also many live bands playing! There is a R&B side, a Rock side and something else. Pretty cool.

I keep hearing people say " I'll see you at fucking hell later" and I was wondering what the... wth is fucking hell, or is the person just terribly coarse? Lol. It was only when we were going home that i saw this sign!! 

 So much fun!
Would have never gone to beer fest if it wasn't for him! :)

After that we went over to Party World. The room is huge!! And the sound system is so good. 

It was a fulfilling Saturday. I stayed over again hehe oops. I just love cuddling with him so much

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