Wednesday, June 11, 2014


I'm currently living alone because my mom and sis are both overseas and it gets so lonely sometimes!
I wonder how people feel every time they go home to an empty house it is so sad.
This is the first time in my life living along.
I enjoy the solitude, but the comfort of having someone's presence is unmeasurable.

Anyway, I cooked a black pepper seafood pasta for my sister and myself the other day before she flew off. 
I love pastas!! I don't know how people restrict themselves to a no-carb diet. How to not eat pasta, udon, rice, and BREAD???? It's living hell lor. I must have bread almost everyday. Little wonder why I have a bread face too lol.  I heard the fastest way to slim down is to not touch carbs, but when you eat carbs again you actually gain back twice the amount because your body won't be able to break them down already. So scary. 

Made lunch on a sunday which I woke up around 330pm hhaha. I wasted the day sipping tea and reading a book. I feel really blessed to have the luxury of time to indulge in life's little pleasures.

I was so bored on another day I went out by myself to get a gelish mani done. Loving this pastel pink so much hehe. I'm a simple person who doesn't go for too elaborate designs. I don't know how some girls bling up their nails with so many studs and diamonds. Won't your nail get stuck in your hair when you shower, it's so annoying, and won't you just have the urge to peel them off. I am super pleased that my gelish lasted me a week now. Haha,,, i know they are supposed to las 3-4 weeks but none of my gelish so far has managed to survive after 3 days, 

Had Nanbantei at Far east plaza for dinner last week with J it's awesome. This is the only yakitori joint i'll go!! 
We love the grilled squid here and I would even go to say it is the best squid in Singapore. It is grilled to perfection. You can even taste the effort of the chef fanning the charcoal with all his might. 
Maybe the saltiness comes from the dripping sweat from the chef's forehead ermahgad. 
HAHAH iKid. 
It is really very tasty, if you like grilled squid you must try this!!! 

This is honestly as good as it looks!!

teriyaki chicken balls were so soft and tender ( $5.80 for 2 ) we like this!

A slab of grilled salmon! If there's one food I have to choose to eat every day i think it'll be salmon. 
yum!! $13

And we also had a bowl of udon to share. Lately while J has been into his squid craze, I jumped into the udon craze. Thankfully these two food items always co exist haha. 
The broth for this udon was very light and clear. And the shitake mushrooms are so so sweet i think they preserved it with sugared water. It was delicious. I also acquired a new knowledge or a  " Do you know?" of the day when J told me that the japanese fish cake with pink swirl is called Naruto. 

Lol. I was so surprised. Isn't that the anime. Maybe swirls are called naruto. Haha next time I go ice cream shop and I wanna have a rasperry swirl i should try saying " Can I have a raspberry naruto" And when she gives me the puzzled face I can Do-You-Know her and tell her swirls are called naruto. Haha. kidding. Later she knows jap, and naruto is just fishcake in jap i'll be so embarrassed to see fishcake in my raspberry icecream eew. 

K sorry for digressing. This bowl of comfort food only goes for $8.90! I love their sweet taupok. 

kimchi chicken which was the least impressive that i don't even know how to describe it. $7.80 for 2

Also attended Josh's friend's hen's night at Butter last week. 
This perv. 

This cupcake is a whore. So many people had a go at its tits! Lol. i didn't of cos. 

omg who is this cutie pie. my hormones are sending tingles to my heart i think my heart is melting. he looks so silly yet cute here. And that smile, oh boy, that smile. 

woke up craving for some Thai basil chicken, checked that i have all ingredients on hand, and plucked off some basil leaves that my mom planted in her own little garden. 
THIS TURNED OUT AWESOME. It was exactly what I like in my basil chicken. 
Gonna cook a thai meal for my mama when she comes back. My sister likes it too she said i can open a shop hehe. 

i cooked it again for J to bring to work, and he thinks the flavour is there too, but he prefers it to be with more sauce!! Gonna work on it !!

Met up with my old friends at Sauce bar it was the best girls night out in a while. I haven't done this in such a long time and it is aawesomeeeeee catching up over some calorie laden beer and deep fried fries, and some oily finger food. Lol. It is just so nice to indulge in all these artery clogging food and drinking beer and talking about things to people you never thought you will ever share with. 
Sauce is, and will always be my favourite place to chill at. 

Steph, mellow, kelly. If you decide that you are a good guy, and worthy of a girl's all, then I can tell you, these 3 girls are really such nice people. You may email me for application form sign ups. Quality guaranteed one. lol. 

Sometimes i wonder why guys always think they can get better girls when they are not exactly that flawless themselves. It is always important to be thankful for the person you have, because if you are not, you will soon find yourself taking her for granted, or worse, viewing yourself as the more superior in the relationship. And if you aren't thankful for the person you have, you will not cherish, and you will even find yours way into the arms of another girl. Sick.
To be honest, I always have a very cliche line for my friends who just broke up with scum bags.
" at least you know you didn't waste more time on a person like him" 
Lol. there is so much truth in this sentence. 
Why can't this world be simpler. 

Made myself breakfast in bed while watching prison break. My life is really damn shiok now i don't deny. It's so lazy. This level of laziness is so awesome. This was the day I woke up alone in the house, which is not very unusual, but the thought that i was gonna wake up and go to sleep for the next 5 days without company makes me feel sick.

 cooked myself tom yum udon for dinner at around 9pm . 

and this was when i started getting emotional and being scared of living alone. Human interaction that day was almost a zero, with a less than 5 whatsapps and as much as I tried to distract myself by watching shows, the lonely devil in me was struggling to be noticed. after a beer i had cider mixed with grey goose, which was the most clever thing i did that day because it knocked me out at 11pm. 

got woken up by a phone call, and j appeared at my door step. it was almost like he brought warmth into my (temporal) ice cold life .

Missing you a lot zeh. 

Also very grateful that J got me a part time job as an admin in his company haha since it's quite brainless and all i have to do is to sit there, entertain parents and then look forward to dinner time with him. It is comforting to know that we are separated only by a few walls, and if I want, he is only 30 steps away from me. 

Got his some snacks when I went to get water. Hehe these are so irresistible. Cute or what. 

After work, we went to have some celebratory drinks to commence the first day of work of my 2 day work week lol..... he was like. what is there to celebrate. HAHAHA. But i just wanted to la. I don't feel that bad about myself for being so useless anymore at least. 

that's all i have for now. Looking forward to beer fest this weekend. 
I really need to do some abs exercise. At this rate i'm drinking i'm gonna balloon into something unimaginable. Gnight!! 

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