Monday, July 7, 2014

Dancing Crab @ Grand Stand

Actually I'm just excited to share about this new place I've been that's why I decided to blog again!
On Thursday, I planned a ( not so much of a ) surprise dinner ( because i can never hide anything from him rawrrr) with his friends!! Anyway!!! 

I brought him to Dancing Crab . I recently read about the place and did my research, the reviews were all very good! I went over with high hopes, and boy was I not at all disappointed! It was a lovely dinner with awesome company!  Even though it is a little out of the way to travel to the grand stand, but trust me it is VERY worth it . It is located right beside the taxi stand! 
I kinda want to go back again? 
Last year we went to Cajun King for his birthday, and it wasn't that fantastic, plus the prices were kinda steep. This Dancing crab was so much more affordable and really finger licking good... 

First up, we had the truffle and cajun fries. Yumm..... Very delicious seasonings and fries stayed crisp till the very end!! I love fries. I don't know how adults seldom eat Fast food? I love fries. I imagine myself ordering fries even when Im 40 haha. Sometimes when I go shopping, I just want to buy a bag of fries and eat as I walk lol. I have a fat person's mentality. 

These crab cakes were SO AWESOME. Pls try it if you are there.
I was wondering the whole time if krabby patties in Spongebob tastes like that lol. 
Sorry for half hearted pics, all I wanted to do was to get my fingers soaked in that gravy and eat like a barbarian. I was super hungry that day, I just want to eat like a bear. 

You have the option of choosing between three sauces for each dish, so we tried all three!
This is their dancing crab speciality. I can't remember what the sauce is called. 
This was clearly a winner for me. I love this the most out of the other bags of seafood.
combo 1 -- 1 alaskan crab, 250g mussels, 250g prawns, corns, sausages, potatoes and carrots.
( This is way cheaper than cajun king.. one crab at cajun king already costs $70!!) 

This was some cream sauce. Very good when eaten with bread rolls. I think this easily fills up 2-3 pax.
Oh on another note, don't expect brussel sprouts standard of mussels. The mussels in this bag were really miniscule.

We also ordered two bags of butter and garlic because it is the lightest on the palette . 
I specially ordered this for the birthday boy.
Lobster in garlic and butter.  
You can change the crabs to lobsters by topping up $20 . Or you can have it ala carte! I think this was.. $60? 

Which was a huge disappointment actually? This is probably the only thing I wasn't too pleased about that place. The lobster was overcooked, the meat was tough and overly chewy. The pincers however WERE UNDERCOOKED. Omg. How can a restaurant serve uncooked food to their customers?
 Thankfully the manager was very kind and offered to rectify their mistakes by giving up a bag of clams in cream sauce for free!! Whee... Great service!!! 

Oh why i say this place is fun is because they play games abruptly. Like in the middle of our dinner, the manager started ringing a bell and during this period, you get a free refill for your beer if you manage to finish it. 
Imagine our faces?? Did someone say free beer??

Lol. Look at all these faces. 喝 beer 长大的 ok... don't pray pray.
The boys

He was being such a darling that day, he kept hugging me in the photos hehe. i love it. 
And the girls!

And when i told them to serve the cake, it was so unexpected because the cake came in a bowl of dry ice it's FREAKING COOL  TTM?!?!

Awesome company!

The girls were just talking about bags and having girl talk while the boys were betting on soccer lol. 

OH!!! Also when they brought the cake over, there was another challenge! Haha. The server placed the cake at the end of the table. and if Josh can blow the candle off from where he was seated, he can get 2 jugs on the house! LOL!! MORE FREE BEER!?!? 

Challenge accepted!! 
And my josh totally killed it. He managed to extinguish the flame the 2nd try. 
We had 6 jugs and 7 pints among the 12 of us. 
Come to think of it, that works out to more than 1.5l per person? OMGGG.  That's half a tower ok. 
No wonder i was so bloated even though i didn't eat much!

 I really recommend this place for large good dinners or celebrations. Very reasonable prices. And the atmosphere was great. Good service, good food at good prices. 

Went to Town AGAIN to collect another piece of dress i sent for alteration and went around searching for flowers to make boutonnieres for Josh's bro's wedding.

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